This is the repository for
- g0vhk
Our frontend is using:
- frontend using react
- a server side rendering meta server using next.js
Our open source data is at
Our backend is using:
- hasura graphql server
- patroni - HA supported psql server (with postgix supported)
cd web
cp .env-sample .env
# Modify the content of .env if you want to override the configuration
npm i
npm start
And navigate to localhost:3000
for testing
cd ssr
npm i
npm run dev
We are using react-i18next to assert that needed translations get loaded or that your content gets rendered when the language changes. The full documentation is here.
The translation json files for en
and zh
are located at web/src/locales/en/translation.json
and web/src/locales/zh/translation.json
respectively. By default, zh
is used. If you have changes to the wording, please make sure they are added or updated in both json files.
"candidate.nominateStatus.disqualified": "Disqualified"
"candidate.nominateStatus.disqualified": "取消資格"
Use useTranslation()
for functional components:
// Example: CandidatesContainer.js
// ---------------------------------------------
// 1. import useTranslation from react-i18next
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
// 2. define t from useTranslation()
const { t } = useTranslation()
// 3. use the t function with the key as the parameter
const status = t('candidate.nominateStatus.disqualified')
Use withTranslation()
for class components:
// Example: MainAreas.js
// ---------------------------------------------
// 1. import withTranslation from react-i18next
import { withTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
// 2. define t from the props
const { t } = this.props
// 3. use the t function with the key as the parameter
const text = t('mainAreas.text1')
// 4. wrap the class component with withTranslation HOC
export default withTranslation()(MainAreas)
Use withLanguage()
to show values for the selected language.
// Example: Summary.js
// ---------------------------------------------
// 1. import withLanguage from utils/helper
import { withLanguage } from 'utils/helper'
// 2. withLanguage() takes 2 parameters - value in en and value in zh respectively
// In this example, district.name_en will be used if the lang is en
// if the lang is zh, district.name_zh will be used
// if district.name_en is null, it will fall back to zh
withLanguage(district.name_en, district.name_zh)
// if you are not sure what the field names for both language are, check the query
// which can be found either in the same file or in web/src/queries/gql.js
For interpolation, surround the dynamic value by curly brackets in translation.json
"districtNewVoterchartContainer.text1": "Voters increased by {{ n }}%"
and pass an object with the key defined in curly brackets and the dynamic value in the second parameter
// Example: DistrictNewVoterChartContainer.js
<Typography variant="h2">
t('districtNewVoterchartContainer.text1', {
n: _.round(meta.increased * 100, 2)
立場區議會選舉專頁 - 2015
Vote Taiwan 投票指南
天下雜誌 - 全台村里選舉互動地圖