Created by gh-md-toc
That project produces OCI (Docker-compliant) images, which provide environments for Data Processing Pipelines (DPP), ready to use and to be deployed on Modern Data Stack (MDS), be it on private or public clouds (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP).
These images are based on AWS-supported Corretto. Thanks to GitHub Actions (CI/CD), every time there are commits on this Git repository, the OCI imaages are built and published on Docker Hub.
These OCI images are aimed at deploying Data Engineering applications, typically Data Processing Pipelines (DPP), on Modern Data Stack (MDS).
The authors of this repository also maintain general purpose cloud Python OCI images in a dedicated GitHub repository and Docker Hub space.
Thanks to Docker multi-stage builds, one can easily have in a same Docker specification file two images, one for every day data engineering work, and the other one to deploy the corresponding applications onto production environments.
The Docker images of this repository just add various utilities to make it work out of the box with cloud vendors (e.g., Azure and AWS command-line utilities) and cloud-native tools (e.g., S3-Mountpoint), on top of the native images maintained by the AWS-supported Corretto. They also add specific Python versions.
In the OCI image, Python packages are installed by the pip
For testing purposes, outside of the container, Python virtual environments
may be installed thanks to PyEnv and pipenv
, as detailed in the
dedicated procedure
on the
Python induction notebook sub-project.
Any additional Python module may be installed either:
- With
and somerequirements.txt
dependency specification file:
$ python3 -mpip install -r requirements.txt
- In a dedicated virtual environment, controlled by
through localPipfile
(and potentiallyPipfile.lock
) files, which should be versioned:
$ pipenv --rm; pipenv install; pipenv install --dev
On the other hand, the OCI images install those modules globally.
The Docker images of this repository are intended to run any Data Engineering applications / Data Processing Pipeline (DPP).
- Images on Docker Cloud
- Cloud Python images:
- Amazon-maintained OCI images for Machine Learning (ML):
- General purpose C++ and Python with Debian OCI images:
- General purpose light Python/Debian OCI images:
- Native Python OCI images:
- AWS cloud: GitHub - Data Engineering Helpers - Knowledge Sharing - AWS
- Kubenertes: GitHub - Data Engineering Helpers - Knowledge Sharing - Kubernetes (k8s)
- Download the Docker images
- JDK17:
$ docker pull infrahelpers/dpp:jdk17-python3.9
docker pull infrahelpers/dpp:jdk17-sbt1.9.8
- JDK11:
$ docker pull infrahelpers/dpp:jdk11-python3.9
docker pull infrahelpers/dpp:jdk11-sbt1.9.8
- Launch a Spark application:
$ docker run -it --rm infrahelpers/dpp:jdk11-python3.9
- Clone the Git repository:
$ mkdir -p ~/dev/infra && cd ~/dev/infra
$ git clone
$ cd dpp
- Build the OCI images (here with Docker, but any other tool may be used):
- Setup the requested versions for the various stacks:
$ export JDK_VERSION="17" # or "11" or "8"
export PYTHON_MICRO_VERSION="3.9.18"
export SBT_VERSION="1.9.8"
- Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023) for Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) 7.x and DataBricks base image:
$ docker build -t infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION --build-arg JDK_VERSION=$JDK_VERSION corretto-emr-dbs-universal-base
- Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023) for Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) 7.x and DataBricks with a single Python installation, with more freedom on its version:
$ docker build -t infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-python$PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION --build-arg JDK_VERSION=$JDK_VERSION --build-arg PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION=$PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION --build-arg PYTHON_MICRO_VERSION=$PYTHON_MICRO_VERSION corretto-emr-dbs-universal-pyspark
docker tag infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-python$PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-python$PYTHON_MICRO_VERSION
docker tag infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-python$PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-python
- Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023) for Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) 7.x and DataBricks with SBT and Scala, with more freedom on its version:
$ docker build -t infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-sbt$SBT_VERSION --build-arg JDK_VERSION=$JDK_VERSION --build-arg SBT_VERSION=$SBT_VERSION corretto-emr-dbs-universal-spark-scala
docker tag infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-sbt$SBT_VERSION infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-sbt
In addition to what the Docker Hub builds, the CI/CD (GitHub Actions) pipeline also builds the
images on two CPU architectures, namely the classical AMD64 and the newer ARM64, from the -
(Optional) Push the newly built images to Docker Hub. That step is usually not needed, as the images are automatically built everytime there is a change on GitHub)
$ docker login
docker push infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION
docker push infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-python$PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION
docker push infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-python$PYTHON_MICRO_VERSION
docker push infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-python
docker push infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-sbt$SBT_VERSION
docker push infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION-sbt
- Choose which image should be the latest, tag it and upload it to Docker Hub:
$ docker tag infrahelpers/dpp:jdk$JDK_VERSION infrahelpers/dpp:latest
$ docker push infrahelpers/dpp:latest
- Shutdown the Docker image
$ docker ps
7b69efc9dc9a de/dpp "/bin/sh -c 'python …" 48 seconds ago Up 47 seconds>8050/tcp vigilant_merkle
$ docker kill vigilant_merkle
$ docker ps