We are using Jupyter Notebooks to configure the different clients of DataSHIELD packages used in the projects we serve.
Currently we support these analysis environments:
- DataSHIELD base environment dsBase
- DataSHIELD Mediation environment dsMediation
- DataSHIELD base development environment dsBase --> master branch
You can you these images to support different analysis environments on the JupyterHub.
We define 2 environment in development of these images.
- production == R-packages can be used as production environments on JupyterHub
- development == R-packages are not released yet and/or work only with the development version of the dsBaseClient or other packages
We use semantic release to build and release the images.
BE ADVISED: these packages are tightly bound to a specific R-version. If the RStudio is upgraded and another R-version is used as a base versions, these installed packages need to be reinstalled!
- You start a profile, for example DataSHIELD 6.1.0.
- Open the RStudio via New --> RStudio
- Create only once the directory
in your home directory - Add your own user library to the defaults
userlib <- paste0(getwd(), '/R/userlib') .libPaths(userlib)
- Install a package and specify the library location
- For example
The library location needs to be exactly this
install.packages('dplyr', lib = '~/R/userlib')
You need to do this each time you load RStudio to be able to use it
userlib <- paste0(getwd(), '/R/userlib')
Now you can use preinstalled packages.