an attempt to have ofxBox2d objects collide with ofxOpenCV blobs in openframeworks v0.10.1
Based on the many examples in Vanderlin's Openframeworks addon ofxBox2d
mashed up with the opencv example in openframeworks
For more about computer vision techniques, read this:
All of the examples for using ofxBox2d with ofxOpenCv on the web were older than the new glm syntax, and no longer worked.
I'm not a c++ programmer, so i am sure there is a lot in the code that could be changed or optimized. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
I have tried using similar code with streaming video, and it always quits after a few minutes. I would love to figure that out.
Getting back to this after a while, i realized that triangulating the contours was an uneccesary step. Also i found a couple of examples (like this by Lewis Lepton) that turned the opencv contour into a box2d polyline. Much better and dependable performance.