Changed hints size and positioning so they get less in the way.
Hide hints when scrolling unless they scroll with the page.
Don't show hints on disabled elements.
Added commands for scrolling element to top, center and bottom.
Added additional parameter to the API for custom scroll amount.
Added role="menuitemradio" to clickable elements.
Added keyboard clicking.
Added element title to "show" command.
Added ability to click on multiple targets.
Fixed occurrences of duplicated hints.
Fixed some elements not reacting to clicks by also dispatching "mousedown" and "mouseup" events.
Fixed some elements not reacting to hover by also dispatching "mouseenter" event.
Fixed url in title sometimes removing the title and leaving only the url.
Fixed url in title not updating with hash changes.
Fixed command dismiss buggy behavior.
Fix error calling "new Color" with empty string which resulted in hints not showing in some pages (issue #28 )
Fixed jittery hints after v0.2.0
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