This repository contains the second laboratory project for the Robotics course 2021/2022 of the Polytechnic University of Milan.
The project is implemented in ROS, an open-source robotics middleware suit.
- C++
- Python 3
- OpenCV (python library)
- Ubuntu 18.04 (20.04 is okay too)
- ROS Melodic (Noetic is okay too)
- ROS gmapping
- ROS map server
- ROS amcl
The project contains one package (omnirobot_loc_and_mapping
), which root folder is the /src/omnirobot_loc_and_mapping/ folder. We will consider this as root folder.
The source files are under the src/ folder:
: it deals with the need of having the odometry published as a tf.
The Python scripts are under scripts folder:
: it computes some post-processing techniques to the map, in order to have it
: it is in charge of receiving the current positions of the robot, given from amcl_pose, in order to draw the trajectory on the map and save
: it is in charge of drawing the trajectory on rviz.
The launch files contain all the files to start the nodes for mapping, localization, laser merge and transformation. It also contains the xml files for gmapping
and amcl
, where it is possible to tune all the parameters.
Under maps it is possible to find the generated map (gmapping) and the maps with trajectories (amcl).
Finally are defined CMakeLists.txt
and package.xml
for compilation purposes.
Moreover, src/ira_laser_tools
is a third-party package that we included in the launch files to merge the two laser scans of the robot.
Outside the main package, under /previously_generated_maps/ you can find the maps and trajectories generated by us, and under /bags/ you can find the bags we will refer to below.
To set up the workspace, let's clone the repository where you prefer and change directory:
git clone
cd omnidirectional-robot-localization-and-mapping/
In order for the laser merger to work, you have to pull the package as submodule:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build the environment with catkin:
Add ROS worspace to your system. Add the end of the bashrc
file the path to the devel/setup.bash
echo "source </path/to/project/folder/>omnidirectional-robot-localization-and-mapping/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Warning: In case you have already defined in your bashrc
file a path for another workspace, comment or delete it. Each machine must have only one workspace defined.
Warning: Remember to give executable rights to the scripts in python in order to run them as nodes (otherwise, the launch files will throw an error): chmod +x <script_name>.py
In this project you can choose either to perform the mapping or the localization of the environment. For these tasks there are two launch files (one for localization and one for mapping), introduced Project Structure
, and three bag files.
During localization, it is possible to save the trajectory of the robot using a service call.
To start the mapping is necessary to launch mapping_launcher.launch:
roslaunch omnirobot_loc_and_mapping mapping_launcher.launch
We used bag 2
for mapping because, after some experiments, it seemed to be the one that gave the best quality map. Just notice that also bag 1
gave a good quality map, instead bag 3
did not have a good mapping capability.
Then, you can start one of the tree bags, as you want.
rosbag play --clock <bag_name>.bag
Remember the --clock
argument to let the node synchronize with the bag's clock.
With rviz
you can see the creation of the map in real-time.
When the bag ends, it is possible to save the map using the map_saver
service of the package map server:
rosrun map_server map_saver -f map
Remember that, to use the generated map for localization, you must save the .pgm
file and the .yaml
file generated under the folder maps/.
We also used a script to process the image of the map and correct some minor imprecisions that can be easily detected. It can be run as a ros node:
rosrun omnirobot_loc_and_mapping
It processes the map and publishes the smoothed map on the topic /map_smoothed
. To save it, the map server can be run again, this time specifying to read from topic map_smoothed
rosrun map_server map_saver -f map map:=/map_smoothed
We have previously computed both the map without running the script (raw_map.pgm) and the map running it (map.pgm). We used bag 2
to generate it. Notice that the amcl
node requires the file of the map named map.pgm
to load the static map correctly. When using map_saver
, the map must be named map
thus overwriting the one already present (the previous bash scripts already do it). This is the only way amcl
can use it without changing the code inside localization_launcher.launch
). If you wish to use our generated map for localization without generating one yourselves, just move our map and the .yaml
file under the folder maps/.
To start the localization is necessary to launch localization_launcher.launch:
roslaunch omnirobot_loc_and_mapping localization_launcher.launch
Then, you can start one of the tree bags, as you want (we used bag 1 and bag 3
for localization, for the reasons described above):
rosbag play --clock <bag_name>.bag
Remember the --clock
argument to let the node synchronize with the bag's clock.
With rviz
you can see the localization process in real-time.
During or after the localization process, it is possible to save the the robot followed trajectory so far. In order to do it, we used the OpenCV library.
We built a service that takes as input, from command line, the name of the image that you want to save, and it automatically saves an image with the trajectory of the robot under the /maps/path_images/ folder:
rosservice call /save_trajectory <name_of_the_image>
For example: rosservice call /save_trajectory robot_trajectory_bag1
We already saved the trajectories of the robot with bag 1 and bag 3 under the folder previously_generated_maps/.
In this project we were required to read from three bag files some information in order to compute mapping and localization, starting from the odometry and the kinematics of the robot. A sample of the robot is illustrated below:
All the three bags publishes these topics:
: odometry topic/front/scan
: laser mounted in front of the robot/rear/scan
: laser mounted on the rear of the robot/wheel_states
: data from wheels. This has not been used here./tf_static
: static tf for laser position
And we were required to:
- Write launch file to perform mapping and save a map
- Write launch file to perform
based localization - Write service to save an image with the map and the trajectory of the robot
- One bag file must be used for map creation and the other two for localization. It is up to us to choose which for what.
We created a package which contains two main launch files, as anticipated on the section Project Structure
. Each launch file combines a series of nodes and packages used for their final purpose. More details in the next sections.
The file mapping_launcher.launch is in charge of performing the mapping, and it is based on the package gmapping
. It sets the parameter /use_sim_time
of ROS equal to true
, because it is necessary to synchronize to the timestamps of the bag files (this is why the bag files must be played with the argument --clock
). More information here under "Using Simulation Time from the /clock Topic". It also include some files and nodes explained below.
For gmapping
to properly work, we have to have a well-defined TF tree. In this case, the static transformations define the relationships between the base_link
and the laser scans. They are not used for mapping, but for a correct laser merging. The laser merging, in turn, will be used for mapping, and it is defined as an identity from the base_link
. More information on the paragraph dedicated to the TF tree.
We used a third party package to merge the laser scans: ira_laser_tools
. This package is very easy to use, and it's enough to define some parameters in a lunch file. We based our tuning on the Laser (YDLIDAR G4) characteristics, found on YDLIDAR G4 Data Sheet
- destination_frame: the frame with respect to which the final virtual scan must operate.
- scan_destination_topic: the final topic of the merged scan.
- laserscan_topics: a list of topics that must be considered for the merging. Notice that if the transformations between
and scans are not well defined, this package cannot merge the scans. - We set the min angle to
and max angle toPi
, for a total360°
of field of view. - We set scan_time to
because the max motor frequency (so position changing) is12Hz
, so the max update should be every 1/12 seconds. - We set the angle_increment to
because the angle resolution of the laser, at12Hz
of frequency, is0.48
degree, so 0.48/180 * Pi = 0.00837758 radians. - We set range_min to
and range_max to16
because those are the values indicated in the manual of the laser.
The gmapping
package has a great deal of parameters to tune. For more information you can see the parameters definition here. We will explain the ones we didn't leave as default:
- scan_topic: The topic of the scan of the lasers from which
must compute the map. - base_frame: the robot reference frame
- odom_frame: the odometry reference frame
- map_update_interval: we tried to set this parameter to 2 seconds, 0.1 seconds and 0.001 seconds. The update each 0.1 seconds seems to be the best accurate.
- maxUrange: we put it equal to maxRange because we empirically saw a better map in this way.
- maxRange: from the data sheet we saw a max range of 16 meters.
- minimumScore: we tried the minimum score at 50, 200 and 400. At 50, we considered it to be less realistic than the one at 200. In particular, at 50 there are some clusters of obstacles in the middle of the map that are likely to be non-existent. At 400, a lot of points that are likely to be the wall of the room, expecially on the south, are not sensed (they probably don't score enough points) and are put out of bounds.
- particles: we tried different values for the number of particles, and 30 seems a good trade-off.
Under assets/images/maps/ is it possible to find all the maps obtained during the parameters tuning described above. You can see that the images are named: map_x_y_0z_otherinfo
is the number of the bag usedy
is how fast the bag has been played0z
is the update_time parameter (01 = 0.1)otherinfo
is information about other parameters. If there is no other information, it means that the parameters are set as you can see them now on the gmapping file.
Example: map_2_x2_01_minscore50
is the map created with bag 2
played at velocity x2, with an update_time
set at 0.1 seconds and the minscore
parameter set to 50.
For the visualization of the environment, the node rviz
is launched and the configuration file of rviz
is taken from omnirobot_loc_and_mapping.rviz.
The odom_tf
node is the only node written in cpp. It simply takes as input the odometry published from the bag and converts it into a dynamic TF.
This was not required and it is not included in the launch file for mapping, but we added a script that can be called as explained in Getting Started. This script is and it performs a post-processing of the map to smooth it.
The file localization_launcher.launch is in charge of performing the localization, and it is based on the package amcl
. It is very similar to the mapping launch file, with few differences that we are going to explain below.
On rviz
we added the visualization of the trajectory. For this purpose, we built the script It was not required, but it we thought it convenient.
For amcl
localization we tuned some parameters as we report them below:
- We set the initial poses to zero, as they are initial poses related to the origin of the map. As all the bags start from the same position, the initial poses myst be zero.
- laser max range to
, as indicated in the Data Sheet of the laser. - odom_model_type to
, because our robot is omnidirectional
All the other parameters have been left as the default ones, as the trajectory of the two bags (bag1 and bag3), not used for mapping, is incredibly accurate with respect to the published odometry.
You can find more information about amcl parameters here.
We started the server map_server
, so that the /map
is published from the static pre-computed maps.
We were required to create a service for saving the trajectory. We created a node called trajectory_saver
with the script, it subscribes to /amcl_pose
topic receiving all the current positions of the robots and storing them locally. Whenever the service is called, we create the trajectory drawing segments between subsequent positions, using the function cv2.line
. Note here that, in order to map the position of the robot into pixel of the image, we needed to perform a conversion, using the origin and resolution of the image contained in the metadata of the map.
The TF tree structure is shown below:
The root of the structure is the frame map
, which is used by amcl
to correct the dead reckoning between the odometry frame odom
and the robot frame base_link
. In fact, map
➔ odom
is broadcasted by the node /amcl
The node /odom_tf
takes as input the odometry information from the topic /odom
from the bag and broadcasts the correspondent transformation odom
➔ base_link
. The source code of this node is src/odom_tf.cpp.
Given that the laser sensors are static, for the transformations base_link
➔ laser_front/rear
a static transform has been used. The same goes for base_link
➔ multi_scan
, just because it's an identity. The static transformations can be found in the file static_transforms.launch.xml.
The bags also publish base_footprint
➔ base_link
, which in theory is used to differentiate the center of gravity in 3D from the center of the robot in 2D, for obstacle avoidance, but in this case it was an identity, hence we decided to ignore it and directly link odom
to base_link