- activate ProfitTrailer license at https://wiki.profittrailer.com/doku.php?id=pt_assistant
- download ProfitTrailer at https://github.com/taniman/profit-trailer/releases (get v2.x, the latest one)
- install instruction at https://wiki.profittrailer.com/doku.php?id=windows_guide
- update application.properties at https://wiki.profittrailer.com/doku.php?id=application.properties
- example here: https://github.com/moonhunters/ProfitTrailerSettings/blob/master/Version%202/PT/application_guide.properties
- read PT 2.x wiki at https://wiki.profittrailer.com/doku.php
- download PTFeeder at https://github.com/mehtadone/PTFeeder/releases (get v1.5.x, the latest one)
- install instruction at https://wiki.ptfeeder.co/installation.html
- update hostsetting.json at https://wiki.ptfeeder.co/configuration.html#hostsettings-json
- example here: https://github.com/moonhunters/ProfitTrailerSettings/blob/master/Version%202/PTFeeder/hostsettings_guide.json
- read PTFeeder 1.5.x wiki at https://wiki.ptfeeder.co
- use BNB as trading fee, always maintain a small amount of BNB in Binance
- make sure Binance API keys are not allowed for withdrawal, and limited to run from only 1 IP address
- in Binance, enable 2FA, setup anti-phishing code, enable whitelist for withdrawal
- always use clean browser (no add-ons) to access Binance
- activate ProfitTrailer license at https://wiki.profittrailer.com/doku.php?id=pt_assistant
- download ProfitTrailer at https://github.com/taniman/profit-trailer/releases (get v1.2.6.25, not the latest one)
- install instruction at https://wiki.profittrailer.com/doku.php?id=windows_guide
- update application.properties at https://wiki.profittrailer.com/doku.php?id=application.properties1
- read PT 1.x wiki at https://wiki.profittrailer.com/doku.php?id=version_1.x
- download PTFeeder at https://github.com/mehtadone/PTFeeder/releases (get v1.4.0.459, not the latest one)
- install instruction at https://github.com/mehtadone/PTFeeder/wiki/Install-PT-Feeder-on-Windows
- update hostsetting.json at https://github.com/mehtadone/PTFeeder/wiki/hostsettings.json
- read PTFeeder 1.4 wiki at https://github.com/mehtadone/PTFeeder/wiki
- in Telegram, add @BotFather and talk to him. Choose /newbot to create new bot, and follow its instruction.
- bot token should look like this : 999999999:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
- get your Telegram chat id: in Telegram, add @MyTelegramID_bot to get your Telegram chat id.
- your Telegram chat id should look like this: 888888888
- telegram.botToken = your bot token
- telegram.chatId = your Telegram chat id
- telegram.bot_token_1 = your bot token
- telegram.chat_1 = your Telegram chat id
- "TelegramBotId": "your bot token",
- "TelegramChatId": "your Telegram chat id",
1. ProfitTrailer: https://profittrailer.com/pt/buy/
2. ProfitTrailer Feeder: https://cryptoprofitbot.com/?ref=moonhunter
3. ProfitTrailer Settings: https://github.com/moonhunters/ProfitTrailerSettings
- Vultr: https://www.vultr.com/?ref=7323069
- VirMach: https://billing.virmach.com/aff.php?aff=3684
- Vodien: http://billing.vodien.com/aff.php?aff=809
- Dreamhost: https://www.dreamhost.com/r.cgi?183658
- Binance: https://www.binance.com/?ref=20665680
- Coinbase: https://www.coinbase.com/join/5979f8c5b3abca026cfe437b
- Coincheck: https://coincheck.com/?c=YJ_lld-WnhI
- Cryptopia: https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Register?referrer=minhducle
- Ledger Nano: https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/9daa
- Cointracking: https://cointracking.info?ref=L239596
We work everyday to improve bot settings for ourselves and friends. We aim to support our friends until they gain back the investment and are able to run the bot themselves.
We do not charge any fee for support. But if you want to send us any token of appreciation, let us know :)
Bitcoin (BTC) : 1NsESu8MJn5JdsQvucDgsPg3NWeDAJLcC
Ether (ETH) : 0x557327633D28a6371a78d0DBA162B3AD2712e557
Bitcoin Cash (BCC) : qrd9tj3298dl3fy34wtl4lqvleumsygqxuzrss3l4v