Database Interface for Erlang and Elixir using SQLite. For further information check DBI.
To use it, with rebar, you only need to add the dependency to the rebar.config file:
{deps, [
{dbi_sqlite, "0.1.0"}
To use it, with mix, you only need to add the dependency to the mix.exs file:
{:dbi_sqlite, "~> 0.1.0"}
The configuration is made in the configuration file (sys.config
or app.config
) so, you can add a new block for config the database connection as follow:
{dbi, [
{mylocaldb, [
{type, sqlite},
{database, ":memory:"}
In case you're using Elixir, you can define the configuration for your project in this way:
confg :dbi, mylocaldb: [
type: :sqlite,
database: ':memory'