This script collects information about the Warm Focus show from its website and transforms it into a podcast RSS feed.
AI Instructions:
- Write and test code to complete the task described below.
- When you have a working script, save it to the file ""
Here is what the script should do:
- Identify key information needed for a podcast RSS feed from the Warm Focus website.
- Create a valid podcast feed using this information.
Here is what we know so far about how to get this information:
- The radio show webpage is:
- All information is accessible via the HTML source.
- Each show is in an li element with class "BroadcastRow"
- Each title is inside the show element in an h3 element with class "BroadcastRow-title"
- Each air date is inside the show element in a time element with class "BroadcastRow-date"
- Each album art URL is inside the show element in an img element with class "BroadcastRow-image"
- These URLs have GET parameters which define a cropped version of the file. Removing them should give you the full sized file.
- Each MP3 URL is inside the show element in a button element with class "PlaybackInvoker".
- The button element has an attribute called "data-src". This is a base64 encoded string of the URL for the MP3.