Turbo is a batteries-included extension for HaxeFlixel. It includes an entity-component framework (and pre-built system), and others.
The entity-component system is inspired by the Ash framework's design philosophy:
- Components are pure data (no code)
- Entities are just bags of components
- Systems are thin and operate on just what they need
Unlike Ash, Turbo doesn't use nodes (which seem like boilerplate code), with the trade-off that systems operate directly on entities.
Ash is also a framework; Turbo includes a set of systems for writing HaxeFlixel games. See the list of systems in code.
Small example of a state with a orange square that responds to keyboard movement:
class PlayState extends TurboState
override public function create():Void
this.addEntity(new Entity().colour(255, 128, 0).size(48, 48).moveWithKeyboard(100));
Example of a system that initializes and draws sprites:
class DrawImageSystem extends AbstractSystem
private var state:FlxState;
public function new()
// Get all entities that have both an image and a position
super([ImageComponent, PositionComponent]);
override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
for (entity in this.entities)
var component:ImageComponent = entity.get(ImageComponent);
if (component.sprite == null)
var s:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite();
component.sprite = s;
// Synch sprite's position with position-component's position
var pos:PositionComponent = entity.get(PositionComponent);
component.sprite.x = pos.x;
component.sprite.y = pos.y;
Turbo draws heavy inspiration from CraftyJS, which uses classes for entities (eg. Monster
) and where developers register callbacks to event handlers to implement custom logic. Below is a list of components and the events that their systems trigger.
- Entity:
: triggered at the end of every frame. - KeyboardInputComponent:
is triggered whenever a key is held down. For now, useFlxG.keys.checkStatus(keyCode, FlxInputState.PRESSED)
to check for individual key states. - MouseClickComponent:
: triggered when the user clicks the mouse (before the user releases the mouse).