Haxe-c++ bindings for OpenGL 3.3+
This is incredibly early alpha I suppose, I am not at this time intending myself to fully support the entirety of the API, and the API that is supported will not have been thoroughly tested if at all.
Anyone wishing to use OpenGL 3,x in hxcpp/neko should consider testing and submitting pull requests :)
- [API Changes to OpenGL](#API Changes to OpenGL)
- GLArray WebGL style typed arrays for GL data.
- GLM Vector/Matrix types emulating subset of GLSL types (As per GLM library)
- DebugDraw Utility for line/triangle drawing for debug purposes.
Major change, is that unless -D ogl-dont-check-errors is set, every GL call will call glGetError to look for errors and if found, will be thrown in Haxe. This is also true of things like glCompileShader, glLinkProgram which will check for success and throw with the error message given otherwise.
Most of the API is unchanged, the most common change is replacing instances of an 'out' pointer argument with a return value.
// C
GLuint textures[10];
GLint data;
glGenTextures(10, textures);
glGetBufferParameteriv(target, value, &data);
// Haxe
var textures = GL.genTextures(10);
var data = GL.getBufferParameteriv(target, value);
Most other changes regard uses of GLvoid* data buffers and arrays of GLbyte/GLshort/GLfloat, these are replaced by uses of GLArray in hx-ogl which roughly mimics WebGL TypedArrays
// C
// GLvoid* data
// size/offset in bytes
glBufferData(target, size, data, usage);
glBufferSubData(target, offset, size, data);
glTexImage1D(target, level, internalFormat, width, border, format, type, data);
// Haxe
// data : GLArray
// size is determined by the array, and offset is in 'element' counts.
// i.e. if data type is GL_FLOAT, then a Haxe offset of 1xGL_FLOAT is a C offset of 4 bytes
GL.bufferData(target, data, usage);
GL.bufferSubData(target, offset, data);
// GL data type is given by the array
GL.texImage1D(target, level, internalFormat, width, border, format, data);
GLArray is the underlying type of the (abstract) typed arrays:
- GLubyteArray
- GLbyteArray
- GLushortArray
- GLshortArray
- GLuintArray -- normally, functions will work with Array instead
- GLintArray -- normally, functions will work with Array instead
- GLfloatArray
- GLdoubleArray -- normally, functions will work with Array instead
All of these share the same interface:
// produce typed array using given data as storage
function new(raw:haxe.io.BytesData)
// for implict casting of BytesData to a typed array
@:from static function fromRaw(raw:BytesData):GL#Array
// for implict casting of an Array of values to typed array
// Supports nested arrays that will be flattened so that
// [[1,2],[3,4,5],6,7] is treat equally to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
// similar to GLSL vector constructors.
@:from static function fromArr(arr:Array<Dynamic>):GL#Array
// create typed array with space for 'count' elements
static function alloc(count:Int):GL#Array
// create a view onto an existing array
// starting at 'byteOffset' in the BytesData
// looking at 'count' elements
static function view(arr:GLArray, byteOffset:Int, count:Int):GL#Array
// size of a data element in this array
public var size(get,never):Int;
// access to raw BytesData associated with typed array
// a view on a particular array will have the same raw value as the original
public var raw(get,never):BytesData;
// number of elements viewed by array
public var count(get,never):BytesData
// access element at index 'i'
// set element at index 'i'
@:arrayAccess public function get(i:Int):# ;
@:arrayAccess public function set(i:Int, val:#):#;
// resize the raw data storage for this array
// this can be called on views, and resizes the underlying data store.
// data will be copied.
public function resize(count:Int):Void;
var vertex_data:GLfloatArray = [
var vertex_buffer = GL.genBuffers(1)[0];
GL.bindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertex_buffer);
GL.bufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertex_data, GL.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
// update first 3 vertices from vertex_data
GL.bufferSubData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, GLfloatArray.view(vertex_data, 0, 3));
// update second 3 vertices from vertex_data
GL.bufferSubData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 3, GLfloatArray.view(vertex_data, 3*vertex_data.size, 3));
Inspired by the GLM library, emulating GLSL vector/matrix types and behaviours in C, there are some equivalent types in hx-ogl for float vector types, and float matrix types based on GLfloatArray
var cameraPos:Vec3 = [100,40,20];
var model = Mat4.rotateX(Math.PI);
var view = Mat4.lookAt(cameraPos, [0,0,0]);
var proj = Mat4.perspective(45, 4/3, 0.1, 1000);
GL.uniformMatrix4fv(matrixID, false, proj * view * model);
Utility for drawing lines/triangles with OGL.
// Construct new DebugDraw instance.
// If 'textured' is true, then fragment colours are chosen from a 1D texture using the
// 'red' component of a vertex colour, with vertex 'alpha' used, and 'green'/'blue' ignored.
function new(textured:Bool=false)
// Release GL buffers/arrays/programs
function destroy():Void
// Draw a solid line
function drawLine(p0:Vec3, p1:Vec3, colour:Vec4):Void;
// Draw a dashed line
function drawDashedLine(p0:Vec3, p1:Vec3, colour:Vec4, solidLength:Float, gapLength:Float):Void;
// Begin drawing, must be called before setting transform
function begin(texture:GLuint=-1):Void;
// Flush any currently buffered calls to GPU
function flush():Void;
// End drawing, any buffered calls will be flushed.
function end():Void;
// Clear any currently buffered calls
function clear():Void;
// Set transform for next batch of calls, any currently buffered calls will be flushed.
function setTransform(mat:Mat4):Void;
The following are for manual drawing of geometry:
// Swap to line rendering mode, any currently buffered triangle geom. will be flushed.
function swapLines():Void;
// Swap to triangle rendering mode, any currently buffered line geom. will be flushed.
function swapFills():Void;
// Push a single vertex into geom. buffer.
function pushVertex(p:Vec3, colour:Vec4):Void;
// Push a sequence of vertex data into geom. buffer.
// [p, c, p, c, p, c, ...]
function pushData(xs:Array<Float>):Void;