denaro, 'money' in italian, is a cryptocurrency written in Python.
Maximum supply is 30.062.005.
Maximum decimal digits count is 6.
Blocks are generated every ~3 minutes, with a size limit of 2MB per block.
Assuming an average transaction to be composed by 5 inputs and 2 outputs, that are 250 bytes, a block can contain ~8300 transactions, which means ~40 transactions per second.
- Build the base image with
make build
$ docker-compose up -d
Before installing denaro, you need to create the postgresql database.
You can find the schema in schema.sql.
You have to set environmental variables for database access:
, default todenaro
, default to an empty string.DENARO_DATABASE_NAME
, default todenaro
, default to127.0.0.1
# install postgresql
createdb denaro
Then install denaro.
git clone
cd denaro
psql -d denaro -f schema.sql
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn denaro.node.main:app --port 3006
Node should now sync the blockchain and start working
denaro uses a PoW system.
Block hash algorithm is sha256.
The block sha256 hash must start with the last difficulty
hex characters of the previously mined block.
can also have decimal digits, that will restrict the difficulty + 1
th character of the derived sha to have a limited set of values.
from math import ceil
difficulty = 6.3
decimal = difficulty % 1
charset = '0123456789abcdef'
count = ceil(16 * (1 - decimal))
allowed_characters = charset[:count]
Address must be present in the string in order to ensure block property.
Blocks have a block reward that will half itself til it reaches 0.
There will be 150000
blocks with reward 100
, and so on til 0.390625
, which will last 458732
The last block with a reward will be the 458733
th, with a reward of 0.3125
Subsequent blocks won't have a block reward.
Reward will be added the fees of the transactions included in the block.
A transaction may also have no fees at all.