Magawish is an API that allow developers to create, modify, delete and query customers and add products to their wishlist.
Note: This API was designed to use MySql database. If you don't have access to a mtsql database please change the configuration in appsettings.json file as follow:
"DatabaseType": "sqlite",
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 2.1
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
dotnet ef database update
Note: If you are using MySql Database, don't create the schema. Migrations process will do it.
Navigate to API project folder:
cd MagaWishlist
Since the project is using https run this command to generate a developer certificate:
dotnet dev-certs https -t
dotnet run
This is API is using jwt for authentication.
Make a POST request to the endpoint /api/auth
with the body:
"username": "teste",
"accesskey": "teste"
The generated token is necessary for all other requests (It expires in 60 minutes by default)
use the endpoit /api/customer
as follows:
GET /api/customer/123
where 123 is the customer ID
POST /api/customer
with the body (Content-Type application/json):
"name": "Miles David",
"email": "[email protected]"
PUT /api/customer/123
body (Content-Type application/json):
"name": "Miles Davis Jr",
"email": "[email protected]"
DELETE /api/customer/123
GET /api/customer/123/wishlist
where 123 is the customer ID
The response body, should be something as follows:
"productId": "1bf0f365-fbdd-4e21-9786-da459d78dd1f",
"price": "1604767081",
"image": "",
"title": "Cadeira para Auto Iseos..."
POST /api/customer/{customerId}/wishlist/{productId}
DELETE /api/customer/{customerId}/wishlist/{productId}
Use .net deafult test command:
dotnet test
dotnet tool install --global coverlet.console --version 1.6.0
dotnet build
caso ainda não tenha feito o build
coverlet MagaWishlist.UnitTests/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.2/MagaWishlist.UnitTests.dll --target "dotnet" --targetargs "test --no-build"
- Circuit Breaker for external API calls
- Timeout (For dependencies) using Polly
- Dapper (for better performance). Entity Framework is used for migrations purpose only
- Support for MySql Database and SqlLite
- HttpClient Factory for best performance using TCP Connections (making use of pool)