Set of tools for preprocessing a camera video feed using OpenCV.
- Deinterlacing of analog video signals, e.g. video feed acquired using an Easycap USB capture card. Different interlacing methods:
- Half image
- Interpolation (several interpolation methods)
- Color format selection and conversion
- Equalization of the images
- Manual equalization using brighness and contrast controls
- Automatic using OpenCV EqualizeHistogram function
- Filtering
- Median
- Gaussian
- Bilateral Filter
All the options can be changed in real time using Dynamic Reconfigure.
Clone repository in your catkin worskspace:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
Compile using catkin:
catkin build tud_img_prep
rosrun tud_img_prep img_prep
This package requires ROS camera topics properly published.
Default input topics:
Default output topics:
The default camera namespace can be changed using the parameter "camera_namespace" in a launch file or directly in the terminal.
For example, if you have a camera that publishes in:
Then the terminal command will be:
rosrun tud_img_prep img_prep _camera_namespace:=/my_camera
And the ouput topics will be