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Currency Master provides tools for managing currency, including operations like addition, subtraction, and division, as well as formatting, number-to-words conversion, and currency conversion. It also supports mapping country codes to their respective currencies.


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Currency Master

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Currency Master is a comprehensive TypeScript library that provides utilities for working with various currency-related tasks, such as formatting currency strings, converting amounts between different currencies, converting numerical values to words, and mapping country codes to their respective currency codes.

Table of Contents


To install the package, use npm:

npm install currency-master


You can use any of the four classes provided by Currency Master to perform various currency-related tasks.

Currency Class

The Currency class provides a comprehensive set of utilities for handling currency values with various operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, formatting, and converting values to words. This class is designed to handle different currency formats and supports customizable settings.


  • Arithmetic Operations: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide currency values.
  • Formatting: Convert currency values to formatted strings.
  • Distribution: Evenly distribute a currency value into parts.
  • Conversion to Words: Convert currency values to their word representation.
  • Customizable Settings: Configure symbol, decimal separator, precision, grouping, and more.


Currency(value: number | string | Currency, options?: Partial<CurrencySettings>)

Initializes a new instance of the Currency class.

  • value: The initial value for the currency. It can be a number, string, or another Currency instance.
  • options: An optional configuration object to customize currency settings.
const currency1 = new Currency(1234.56);
const currency2 = new Currency('1234.56');
const currency3 = new Currency(new Currency(1234.56));


add(amount: number | string | Currency): Currency

Adds a specified amount to the currency value.


const currency = new Currency(10);
const result = currency.add(5); // Result is a new Currency instance with value 15
subtract(amount: number | string | Currency): Currency

Subtracts a specified amount from the currency value.


const currency = new Currency(10);
const result = currency.subtract(5); // Result is a new Currency instance with value 5
multiply(factor: number): Currency

Multiplies the currency value by a specified factor.


const currency = new Currency(10);
const result = currency.multiply(2); // Result is a new Currency instance with value 20
divide(divisor: number): Currency

Divides the currency value by a specified divisor.


const currency = new Currency(10);
const result = currency.divide(2); // Result is a new Currency instance with value 5
distribute(parts: number): Currency[]

Distributes the currency value evenly into an array of Currency instances.


const currency = new Currency(100);
const parts = currency.distribute(3); // an array of 3 Currency instances with values [33.34, 33.33, 33.33]
dollars(): number

Returns the dollar portion of the currency value.


const currency = new Currency(123.45);
const dollars = currency.dollars(); // 123
cents(): number

Returns the cent portion of the currency value.


const currency = new Currency(123.45);
const cents = currency.cents(); // 45
format(options?: Partial<CurrencySettings>): string

Formats the currency value as a string according to the specified settings.


const currency = new Currency(1234.56);
const formatted = currency.format(); // '$1,234.56'
toString(): string

Converts the currency value to a string.


const currency = new Currency(1234.56);
const value = currency.toString(); // '1234.56'
toWords(): string

Converts the currency value into its word representation.

Default Behavior:

By default, the toWords method converts the currency amount to words using US dollars:

const currency = new Currency(1234.56);
const words = currency.toWords(); // 'one thousand two hundred thirty-four dollars and fifty-six cents'

Customizing Currency Type:

You can customize the currency type and locale in the constructor by passing toWords options:

const c1 = new Currency('1234.56', {
  toWords: {
    locale: LocaleEnum.EnglishUnitedKingdom, // Specify the locale
console.log(c1.toWords()); // 'One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Four Pounds And Fifty Six Pence Only'

Support for Multiple Locales:

The toWords method supports various locales for diverse languages and regions:

Urdu (Pakistan):

const c2 = new Currency('1234.56', {
  toWords: {
    locale: LocaleEnum.UrduPakistan,
console.log(c2.toWords()); // 'ایک ہزار دو سو چونتیس روپے اور چھپن پیسے صرف'

Hindi (India):

const c3 = new Currency('1234.56', {
  toWords: {
    locale: LocaleEnum.HindiIndia,
console.log(c3.toWords()); // 'एक हज़ार दो सौ चौंतीस रुपये और छप्पन पैसे'

The toWords method is highly versatile and supports various locales, enabling you to format numbers into words in different languages and regional formats.


The Currency class supports various configuration options through the CurrencySettings type:

  • symbol: Currency symbol (default: $).
  • separator: Thousands separator (default: ,).
  • decimal: Decimal separator (default: .).
  • errorOnInvalid: Whether to throw an error on invalid input (default: false).
  • precision: Number of decimal places (default: 2).
  • pattern: Format pattern for positive values (default: !#).
  • negativePattern: Format pattern for negative values (default: -!#).
  • fromCents: Whether the initial value is in cents (default: false).
  • groups: Regular expression for grouping digits (default: /(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\b)/g).
  • format: Function to format the currency object (default: formatCurrency).
  • toWords: Custom settings for currency to words (optional).

Example: Using Custom Currency Settings

In this example, we'll create a Currency instance with custom settings and perform various operations.

Custom Settings

Let's define custom settings for the Currency class:

const customSettings: CurrencySettings = {
  symbol: '€',
  separator: '.',
  decimal: ',',
  precision: 2,
  pattern: '!# €',
  negativePattern: '-!# €',
  fromCents: false,
  groups: /(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,

Creating a Currency Instance with Custom Settings

Now we'll create a Currency instance using the custom settings and perform some operations:

import Currency from './currency';

// Create a Currency instance with a value of 1234.56 and custom settings
const customCurrency = new Currency(1234.56, customSettings);

// Display the value formatted according to the custom settings
console.log(customCurrency.format()); // '1.234,56 €'

// Perform arithmetic operations
const addedCurrency = customCurrency.add(765.44);
console.log(addedCurrency.format()); // '2.000,00 €'

const subtractedCurrency = customCurrency.subtract(234.56);
console.log(subtractedCurrency.format()); // '1.000,00 €'

// Multiply and divide
const multipliedCurrency = customCurrency.multiply(1.5);
console.log(multipliedCurrency.format()); // '1.851,84 €'

const dividedCurrency = customCurrency.divide(2);
console.log(dividedCurrency.format()); // '617,28 €'

// Distribute the currency into 3 parts
const distributedCurrencies = customCurrency.distribute(3);
distributedCurrencies.forEach((currency, index) => {
  console.log(`Part ${index + 1}: ${currency.format()}`);
// Part 1: '411,52 €'
// Part 2: '411,52 €'
// Part 3: '411,52 €'

// Convert to words
console.log(customCurrency.toWords()); // 'one thousand two hundred thirty-four euros and fifty-six cents'


The ToWords class provides methods to convert numerical values to their word representations.


import { ToWords } from 'currency-master';

// Convert a number to words
const words = ToWords.convert(123);
console.log(words); // "one hundred and twenty-three"

// Convert a negative number
const negativeWords = ToWords.convert(-123);
console.log(negativeWords); // "minus one hundred and twenty-three"

Options can be set at instance level, or along with individual call to convert method.

const toWords = new ToWords();

words = toWords1.convert(123.045, { currency: false, ignoreDecimal: false });
console.log(words); //  One Hundred Twenty Three Point Zero Four Five

words = toWords1.convert(123.045, { currency: false, ignoreDecimal: true });
console.log(words); //  One Hundred Twenty Three

Config Options

The ToWords class suppose following custom options

  • locale (LocaleEnum, default: LocaleEnum.EnglishUnitedStates):

    • Sets the locale for internationalization (i18n), determining the language and regional formatting for the words.
  • currency (boolean, default: true):

    • Indicates if the number should be converted into words formatted as currency.
    • When set to true, the number will be rounded to two decimal places before conversion.
    • Includes currency symbols and adjusts pluralization of currency units.
  • ignoreDecimal (boolean, default: false):

    • Determines whether to disregard the fractional (decimal) part of the number during conversion.
    • When true, only the integer part is converted to words, ignoring the decimal portion.
  • ignoreZeroCurrency (boolean, default: false):

    • Specifies whether to omit zero value in the currency portion of the words.
    • When true, zero currency units will not be included in the output, avoiding redundant mentions.
  • doNotAddOnly (boolean, default: false):

    • Controls whether to append the word "only" at the end of the converted currency words.
    • Works only when currency is true. When true, "only" is not included in the output.
  • currencyOptions (object, default: undefined):

    • Allows customization of currency options while retaining the language settings from the locale.
    • Useful for specifying different currencies (e.g., using EUR instead of USD) while converting to words in a specific language.
    • Supports dynamic currency changes for each conversion call, applicable only when currency is true.
const toWords = new ToWords({
  locale: LocaleEnum.EnglisUnitedStates,
  converterOptions: {
    currency: true,
    ignoreDecimal: false,
    ignoreZeroCurrency: false,
    doNotAddOnly: false,
    currencyOptions: {
      name: 'Dollar',
      plural: 'Dollars',
      symbol: '$',
      fractionalUnit: {
        name: 'Cent',
        plural: 'Cents',
        symbol: '',

Supported Locales

Country Language Locale
UAE English en-AE
Bangladesh English en-BD
UK English en-GB
Ghana English en-GH
Ireland English en-IE
India English en-IN
Myanmar English en-MM
Mauritius English en-MU
Nigeria English en-NG
Nepal English en-NP
USA English en-US (default)
Philippines English en-PH
Estonia Estonian ee-EE
Iran Persian fa-IR
Belgium French fr-BE
France French fr-FR
India Gujarati gu-IN
India Hindi hi-IN
India Marathi mr-IN
Suriname Dutch nl-SR
Brazil Portuguese pt-BR
Turkey Turkish tr-TR
Korean, Republic Hangul ko-KR
Pakistan English en-PK
Pakistan Urdu ur-PK


The CountryCurrencyCode class provides utility methods to map country codes to their respective currency codes.


import { CountryCurrencyCode } from 'currency-master';

// Get the currency code by country code
const currency = CountryCurrencyCode.getCurrencyByCountryCode('US');
console.log(currency); // 'USD'

// Get all country codes using a specific currency
const countries = CountryCurrencyCode.getCountriesByCurrencyCode('USD');
console.log(countries); // ['US', 'UM']

// Get all the country codes
const countryCodes = CountryCurrencyCode.getAllCountryCodes();
console.log(countryCodes); // List of all all country codes

// Get all currency codes
const currencyCodes = CountryCurrencyCode.getAllCurrencyCodes();
console.log(currencyCodes); // List of all currency codes


The CurrencyConversion class provides methods for fetching real-time or historical exchange rates and converting currency from one type to another. It interacts with the Fawaz Ahmed Currency API to retrieve exchange rates.

Fetching Currency Rates

You can fetch the latest exchange rates for a specific currency, or fetch historical rates by specifying a date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Fetching Latest Rates

const rates = await CurrencyConversion.getCurrencyRates(CurrencyEnum.UnitedStatesDollar);
console.log(rates); // Output: { "eur": 0.92, "gbp": 0.80, ... }

Fetching Historical Rates

const historicalRates = await CurrencyConversion.getCurrencyRates(CurrencyEnum.UnitedStatesDollar, '2024-09-01');
console.log(historicalRates); // Output: { "eur": 0.90, "gbp": 0.78, ... }

Converting Currency

You can convert a specific amount from one currency to another using either real-time or historical exchange rates.

Real-Time Conversion
const convertedAmount = await CurrencyConversion.convert(CurrencyEnum.UnitedStatesDollar, CurrencyEnum.Euro, 100);
console.log(convertedAmount); // Output: "92.00" (depending on the exchange rate)
Historical Conversion
const historicalConversion = await CurrencyConversion.convert(CurrencyEnum.UnitedStatesDollar, CurrencyEnum.Euro, 100, '2024-09-01');
console.log(historicalConversion); // Output: "90.00" (depending on the historical rate)

API Reference

  • getCurrencyRates(currency: CurrencyEnum, date?: string): Promise<CurrencyRates>

    • currency: Base currency (e.g., CurrencyEnum.USD).
    • date (optional): Historical date in YYYY-MM-DD format. If omitted, the latest rates will be fetched.
    • Returns: A promise that resolves to the exchange rates for the base currency.
  • convert(from: CurrencyEnum, to: CurrencyEnum, amount: number, date?: string): Promise<string>

    • from: Base currency.
    • to: Target currency.
    • amount: Amount to convert.
    • date (optional): Historical date for conversion. If omitted, the latest exchange rates will be used.
    • Returns: A promise that resolves to the converted amount (as a string with two decimal places).

Useful Enums


It contains a set of predefined currency codes to be used with the CurrencyConversion class.


CurrencyEnum.Euro                 // Euro
CurrencyEnum.UnitedStatesDollar   // US Dollar


It contains a mapping of country codes to currency codes.


CountryCurrencyEnum.US   // USD
CountryCurrencyEnum.AE   // AED


Contributions are welcome! Please see the Contributing Guidelines for more details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to collaborate, please feel free to reach out:

I look forward to hearing from you!


I would like to acknowledge the following resources that were instrumental in the development of this package:

  • currency.js: This library provided valuable insights and inspiration for handling currency formatting and conversion.
  • to-words: A useful package for converting numbers to words, which served as a reference for implementing similar functionality.
  • country-to-currency: A helpful resource for mapping countries to their respective currencies.
  • exchange-api: An open-source API used for currency exchange rates, which guided the implementation of currency conversion features.

Thank you to these projects for their contributions to the open-source community!


Currency Master provides tools for managing currency, including operations like addition, subtraction, and division, as well as formatting, number-to-words conversion, and currency conversion. It also supports mapping country codes to their respective currencies.







Contributors 3
