Technologies | About | Preview | Contributor
This project was created in order to understand the fundamentals of ReactJS.
learned about
- React Fundamentals
- Components and communication between components
- Properties
- State and Key
- Closures
- Immutability
- etc...
- Style whit CSS Modules
- Bundlers, Compilers and create react app whit Vite
- Typescript fundamentals and how to use it in react
This project was developed as the following technologies:
You have some idea that could further leverage the project, and you want to implement it? It's simple!
- Make project fork
- Install all dependencies using the package manager that suits you best
ornpm i
- Create branch to your feature
git checkout -b feature/FeatureName
- Modify what you think is necessary and add
git add .
- Commit the changes
git commit -m "feat: exemplo add a new feature"
- Push the Branch
git push origin feature/FeatureName
- Create a Pull Request
This project is under MIT license. Click here for more details.