This project connect to RedCrossQuest DB and export the data to the TIBCO Spotfire SBDF format. The files would then be uploaded to Spotfire Server Generating a specific file is done by a GET on a specific URL. The purpose is to use linux crontab to trigger the file generation.
This tool will stream the data to the file. It won't fetch all data in memory and then dump it in the file.
Checkout the sources, enable maven
Download the TIBCO Spotfire SBDF library
Install sbdf.jar in your local maven repository
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=sbdf.jar \ -DgroupId=com.tibco.spotfire \ -DartifactId=sbdf \ -Dversion=6.5 \ -Dpackaging=jar \ -DgeneratePom=true sbdf 6.5
Configure the
Run the project
Try to generate files :
http://localhost:8080/sbdf-generator/1.0/spotfire_access http://localhost:8080/sbdf-generator/1.0/tronc_queteur http://localhost:8080/sbdf-generator/1.0/named_donation http://localhost:8080/sbdf-generator/1.0/yearly_goal http://localhost:8080/sbdf-generator/1.0/daily_stats_before_rcq http://localhost:8080/sbdf-generator/1.0/ul
Note that tronc_queteur will generate table data from tronc_queteur, and before that, the dependencies tables (tronc, queteur, point_quete)