An R package for implementing the Control Polygon Reduction model selection method. When we are tasked with modeling the functional relationship between a response and a continuous predictor, i.e., y = f(x), CPR allows for quick and efficient searching of a large model space to find B-spline estimates of the function f(x).
CPR extends to multiple dimensions and allows one to find good locations for knots in a tensor product of B-splines.
This model selection method was developed as part of Peter DeWitt's PhD dissertation work. It has been extended since.
There are two vignettes within the package
vignettes(topic = 'cpr', package = 'cpr')
vignettes(topic = 'cnr', package = 'cpr')
You can also read these on package website
- The CPR method was presented at the 28th International Biometric Conference held July 2016, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The abstract, paper, and talk had the title: "Parsimonious B-splines Regression Models via Control Polygon Reduction." A bibtex entry for the abstract:
author = {DeWitt, Peter E. and Carlson, Nichole E. and Samantha MaWhinney},
title = {Parsimonious B-spline Regression Models via Control Polygon Reduction},
booktitle = {Abstracts for the XXVIIIth International Biometric Conference},
month = {July},
year = {2016},
organization = {International Biometric Society},
address = {Victoria, British Columbia},
isbn = {978-0-9821919-4-1}
Awards: The presentation of the work earned Peter DeWitt two awards:
- "Best Student Oral Presentation" from the International Biometric Society (IBS).
- "Distinguished Oral Presentation" as part of the student paper competition hosted by the Western North American Region (WNAR) of the IBS.
Install from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)
# within R
install.packages("cpr", repos = "")
If you are working on a Windows machine you will need to have Rtools installed.
This will require you to have remotes package installed.
# Just the package without the manual and without vignettes
remotes::install_github(repo = "dewittpe/cpr")
# Install with vignettes
repo = "dewittpe/cpr"
, dependbuild_vignettes = TRUE
, dependencies = TRUE
You'll need to have the R package devtools installed on your machine.
To check R dependencies before building, or after you get errors due to missing R packages run:
To build the R package and install the dev version on you machine:
make install
Alternatively, you should be able to build and install without make
R CMD build <path to cloned repo>
R CMD INSTALL cpr_<version>.tar.gz
The cpr
package provides 3D graphics via the
package. If you are get an
error, or rather message, of the form:
font family "sans" not found, using "bitmap"
Then there is an easy fix. You need to get the FreeType 2 font engine.
On Debian, you can get the library via:
apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
Once the FreeType 2 font engine has been installed on your computer you must
reinstall the rgl