This repository contains the code and the data for the visualizations at
The visualizations were created as part of the collaborative research project "ARCHITRAVE Kunst und Architektur in Paris und Versailles im Spiegel deutscher Reiseberichte des Barock / Art and Architecture in Paris and Versailles in the Mirror of German Travelogues of the Baroque Period", funded by the DFG and the ANR (FRAL 2016 program).
The conceptualization of the visualizations was done in two steps. The first one was focused on the design and prototyping. It was maintained by V. Westrich ( The second one included the implementation and the final launch and was performed by DFK Paris under the responsibility of A. Klammt in collaboration with M. Schepp (Wendig).
All geodata are part of the scientific work of the forementioned research project. For the presentation on the website, the data were converted from TEI-XML and CSV formats into GeoJSON files. These GeoJSON files can be used within the license of this repository.
To cite them correctly, please use: Ziegler, Hendrik; Pioch, Alexandra, 2021, "ARCHITRAVE [research data & software]",, heiDATA, DRAFT VERSION
The repository includes a jekyll app to demo the map functionality. To use it, install ruby and do
gem install jekyll jekyll-theme-minimal
cd paris-project
jekyll serve --livereload
Then the demo page is available at
- http://localhost:4000/paris-project/numberedMap.html
- http://localhost:4000/paris-project/europeMap.html
- http://localhost:4000/paris-project/parisMap.html
A webpack configuration is included to produce a bundled version of the JavaScript code for deployment. To use it, install nodejs (v12) and run
npm install
npm run build
... then find the bundle in dist/main.js
The target application is an eXist-db application. Deployment is manual and involves copying the files from this repository to the eXist-db platform.
The data for the maps is generated with a set of python scripts from the project's edition xml and the register data (xml and csv). To combine the data as geojson, install pyenv and use
cd architrave-data
pyenv shell 3.6.9
pip install geopy bs4 lxml
# and then to actually use the new data in the maps:
cd ..
cp architrave-data/data/output/*.geojson geojson/
The geojson in architrave-data/data/output can then be copied to the geojson/
directory where it will be picked up from by the maps.
- "export" via TextGridLab (German only, without Sturm)
- use results to replace architrave-data/data/input/editions/*
- visit
- download places.xml
- use result to replace architrave-data/data/input/register/places.xml