An audio-visual experience for rendering prometheus alerts
- prereqs
* 1 raspberry 3
* 4 neopixelrings 24 leds
* passive buzzer
* 5V 5A powersupply
a passive buzzer is connected to GPIOpin21 and ground
the leds are linked in serial and the first one is directly connected to gpiopin 18 on the rpi3
sound borrowed from
more info regarding lib
disable sound on the pi
- install
apt-get install git redis-server python3-pip python3-redis python3-requests python3-bottle python3-rpi.gpio
pip3 install rpi_ws281x
cd /opt
git clone
cd alertringer
cp *.service /lib/systemd/system/
systemctl enable alertringer.service
systemctl enable alertbuzzer.service
systemctl enable alertreceiver.service