Given a list of species get sequences and complete taxonomic classification of a list of entries
To dowload this repository from GitHub, the following commands can be run.
git clone
can run in any computer with python 3 (>3.6) installed. The following
additional packages are required:
- biopython (tested with v.1.79)
- argparse
To install all the required package run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] -l LIST -o OUTPUT -g GENE [--email EMAIL] [--api_key API_KEY]
[--max_tries MAX_TRIES] [--sleep_between_tries SLEEP_BETWEEN_TRIES]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LIST, --list LIST File with the list of entry to search (default: None)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output File basename (default: None)
-g GENE, --gene GENE gene to search in entrez (default: None)
Entrez - NCBI's E-utilities:
--email EMAIL Email to use for make queries through to NCBI's E-utilities,
if email is empty a warning is raised by the Entrez module. To make
use of NCBI's E-utilities, NCBI requires you to specify your email
address with each request. (default: None)
--api_key API_KEY API key to use for make queries through to NCBI's E-utilities,
if empty a warning is raised by the Entrez module. Personal API key
from NCBI. If not set, only 3 queries per second are allowed.
Ten queries per seconds otherwise with a valid API key. (default: None)
--max_tries MAX_TRIES
Configures how many times failed requests will be automatically
retried on error. (default: 3)
--sleep_between_tries SLEEP_BETWEEN_TRIES
The delay, in seconds, before retrying a request on error.
(default: 15)
TODO ADD citations