Python GUI Email Sender
This is a GUI app developed with PYQT to send emails to multiple contacts from a list of CSV files.
Your CSV file should contain a single column with a header, then the list of your emails.
Your SMTP provider would determine how many mails you can send in a day.
You can add attachments, it's optional.
You can customize each mail a receiver receives for eg; [email protected]. when ever you write 'usern', it will appear as the username from the email. Dear usern would give Dear abc.
You can also call the domain name when you write 'domainn'. eg; I am from domainn will appearn as I am from gmail.
You can also call the full domain name when you write 'fulldomain'. eg; I am from fulldomain will appearn as I am from
Afer sending the mails, it will print all the email addresses in the log area.