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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 14, 2024. It is now read-only.



Deprecation Notice

WASP was deprecated on March 14th 2024, there will be no further dependency or security updates to this platform.

Routing Service for WASP Project. This service will take payloads associated with an ingest specific id, lookup the corresponding thing and then forward the payload to the appropriate payload processor service.

Getting started

wasp-routing-service can be run in a similar way to most nodejs application. First install required dependencies using npm:

npm install

wasp-routing-service depends on a kafka instance as a dependency which can be brought locally up using docker:

docker-compose up -d

And finally you can run the application in development mode with:

npm run dev

Or run tests with:

npm test

Environment Variables

wasp-routing-service is configured primarily using environment variables as follows:

variable required default description
LOG_LEVEL N info Logging level. Valid values are [trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
PORT N 3001 Port on which the service will listen
KAFKA_LOG_LEVEL N nothing Logging level for kafkajs. Valid values are [debug, info, warn, error, nothing]
KAFKA_BROKERS N localhost:9092 Comma separated list of initial Kafka brokers to connect to
KAFKA_PAYLOAD_TOPIC N raw-payloads Kafka topic to listen for raw payloads on
KAFKA_PAYLOAD_ROUTING_PREFIX N payloads Prefix for topic names for specific payload processor services
THINGS_SERVICE_HOST N wasp-thing-service Hostname to connect to a deployed thing-service
THINGS_SERVICE_PORT N 3000 Port to connect to a deployed thing-service

Deploying WASP Routing Service on WASP-Cluster with Helm/Kubernetes


brew install minikube helm


Obtain the wasp-cluster from the repo:, and follow the readme instructions.

Eval is required to provide helm with visibility for your local docker image repository:

eval $(minikube docker-env)

Build the docker image:

docker build -t wasp-routing-service .

To run/deploy the application on kubernetes via helm charts use the following values.yaml with the corresponding overrides:

helm install wasp-routing-service helm/wasp-routing-service -f helm/wasp-routing-service/ci/ct-values.yaml