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Implement forward- and reverse mode AD in the interpreter (#2186)
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Co-authored-by: Troels Henriksen <[email protected]>
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vox9 and athas authored Oct 14, 2024
1 parent a690695 commit 25c73ee
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/main.yml
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make -C futhark-nightly-linux-x86_64/ install PREFIX=$HOME/.local
echo "$HOME/.local/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- run: |
futhark test tests -c --no-terminal --backend=opencl --exclude=compiled --cache-extension=cache --pass-option=--build-option=-O0 --runner=tools/
futhark test tests -c --no-terminal --backend=opencl --exclude=compiled --exclude=no_oclgrind --cache-extension=cache --pass-option=--build-option=-O0 --runner=tools/
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
Expand All @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ jobs:
python -m venv virtualenv
source virtualenv/bin/activate
pip install 'numpy<2.0.0' pyopencl jsonschema
futhark test tests -c --no-terminal --backend=pyopencl --exclude=compiled --cache-extension=cache --pass-option=--build-option=-O0 --runner=tools/
futhark test tests -c --no-terminal --backend=pyopencl --exclude=compiled --exclude=no_oclgrind --cache-extension=cache --pass-option=--build-option=-O0 --runner=tools/
runs-on: hendrix
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
* Faster floating-point atomics with OpenCL backend on AMD and NVIDIA
GPUs. This affects histogram workloads.

* AD is now supported by the interpreter (thanks to Marcus Jensen).

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### Changed
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions futhark.cabal
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317 changes: 243 additions & 74 deletions src/Language/Futhark/Interpreter.hs

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320 changes: 320 additions & 0 deletions src/Language/Futhark/Interpreter/AD.hs
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module Language.Futhark.Interpreter.AD
( Op (..),
ADVariable (..),
ADValue (..),
Tape (..),
VJPValue (..),
JVPValue (..),

import Control.Monad (foldM, zipWithM)
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Futhark.AD.Derivatives (pdBinOp, pdBuiltin, pdUnOp)
import Futhark.Analysis.PrimExp (PrimExp (..))
import Language.Futhark.Core (VName (..), nameFromString)
import Language.Futhark.Primitive

-- Mathematical operations subject to AD.
data Op
= OpBin BinOp
| OpCmp CmpOp
| OpUn UnOp
| OpFn String
| OpConv ConvOp
deriving (Show)

-- Checks if an operation matches the types of its operands
opTypeMatch :: Op -> [PrimType] -> Bool
opTypeMatch (OpBin op) p = all (\x -> binOpType op == x) p
opTypeMatch (OpCmp op) p = all (\x -> cmpOpType op == x) p
opTypeMatch (OpUn op) p = all (\x -> unOpType op == x) p
opTypeMatch (OpConv op) p = all (\x -> fst (convOpType op) == x) p
opTypeMatch (OpFn fn) p = case M.lookup fn primFuns of
Just (t, _, _) -> and $ zipWith (==) t p
Nothing -> error "opTypeMatch" -- It is assumed that the function exists

-- Gets the return type of an operation
opReturnType :: Op -> PrimType
opReturnType (OpBin op) = binOpType op
opReturnType (OpCmp op) = cmpOpType op
opReturnType (OpUn op) = unOpType op
opReturnType (OpConv op) = snd $ convOpType op
opReturnType (OpFn fn) = case M.lookup fn primFuns of
Just (_, t, _) -> t
Nothing -> error "opReturnType" -- It is assumed that the function exists

-- Returns the operation which performs addition (or an
-- equivalent operation) on the given type
addFor :: PrimType -> BinOp
addFor (IntType t) = Add t OverflowWrap
addFor (FloatType t) = FAdd t
addFor Bool = LogOr
addFor t = error $ "addFor: " ++ show t

-- Returns the function which performs multiplication
-- (or an equivalent operation) on the given type
mulFor :: PrimType -> BinOp
mulFor (IntType t) = Mul t OverflowWrap
mulFor (FloatType t) = FMul t
mulFor Bool = LogAnd
mulFor t = error $ "mulFor: " ++ show t

-- Types and utility functions--
-- When taking the partial derivative of a function, we
-- must differentiate between the values which are kept
-- constant, and those which are not
data ADValue
= Variable Int ADVariable
| Constant PrimValue
deriving (Show)

-- When performing automatic differentiation, each derived
-- variable must be augmented with additional data. This
-- value holds the primitive value of the variable, as well
-- as its data
data ADVariable
= VJP VJPValue
| JVP JVPValue
deriving (Show)

depth :: ADValue -> Int
depth (Variable d _) = d
depth (Constant _) = 0

primal :: ADValue -> ADValue
primal (Variable _ (VJP (VJPValue t))) = tapePrimal t
primal (Variable _ (JVP (JVPValue v _))) = primal v
primal (Constant v) = Constant v

primitive :: ADValue -> PrimValue
primitive v@(Variable _ _) = primitive $ primal v
primitive (Constant v) = v

-- Evaluates a PrimExp using doOp
evalPrimExp :: M.Map VName ADValue -> PrimExp VName -> Maybe ADValue
evalPrimExp m (LeafExp n _) = M.lookup n m
evalPrimExp _ (ValueExp pv) = Just $ Constant pv
evalPrimExp m (BinOpExp op x y) = do
x' <- evalPrimExp m x
y' <- evalPrimExp m y
doOp (OpBin op) [x', y']
evalPrimExp m (CmpOpExp op x y) = do
x' <- evalPrimExp m x
y' <- evalPrimExp m y
doOp (OpCmp op) [x', y']
evalPrimExp m (UnOpExp op x) = do
x' <- evalPrimExp m x
doOp (OpUn op) [x']
evalPrimExp m (ConvOpExp op x) = do
x' <- evalPrimExp m x
doOp (OpConv op) [x']
evalPrimExp m (FunExp fn p _) = do
p' <- mapM (evalPrimExp m) p
doOp (OpFn fn) p'

-- Returns a list of PrimExps calculating the partial
-- derivative of each operands of a given operation
lookupPDs :: Op -> [PrimExp VName] -> Maybe [PrimExp VName]
lookupPDs (OpBin op) [x, y] = Just $ do
let (a, b) = pdBinOp op x y
[a, b]
lookupPDs (OpUn op) [x] = Just [pdUnOp op x]
lookupPDs (OpFn fn) p = pdBuiltin (nameFromString fn) p
lookupPDs _ _ = Nothing

-- Shared AD logic--
-- This function performs a mathematical operation on a
-- list of operands, performing automatic differentiation
-- if one or more operands is a Variable (of depth > 0)
doOp :: Op -> [ADValue] -> Maybe ADValue
doOp op o
| not $ opTypeMatch op (map primValueType pv) =
-- This function may be called with arguments of invalid types,
-- because it is used as part of an overloaded operator.
| otherwise = do
let dep = case op of
OpCmp _ -> 0 -- AD is not well-defined for comparason operations
-- There are no derivatives for those written in
-- PrimExp (check lookupPDs)
_ -> maximum (map depth o)
if dep == 0 then constCase else nonconstCase dep
pv = map primitive o

divideDepths :: Int -> ADValue -> Either ADValue ADVariable
divideDepths _ v@(Constant {}) = Left v
divideDepths d v@(Variable d' v') = if d' < d then Left v else Right v'

-- TODO: There may be a more graceful way of
-- doing this
extractVJP :: Either ADValue ADVariable -> Either ADValue VJPValue
extractVJP (Right (VJP v)) = Right v
extractVJP (Left v) = Left v
extractVJP _ =
-- This will never be called when the maximum depth layer is JVP
error "extractVJP"

-- TODO: There may be a more graceful way of
-- doing this
extractJVP :: Either ADValue ADVariable -> Either ADValue JVPValue
extractJVP (Right (JVP v)) = Right v
extractJVP (Left v) = Left v
extractJVP _ =
-- This will never be called when the maximum depth layer is VJP
error "extractJVP"

-- In this case, every operand is a constant, and the
-- mathematical operation can be applied as it would be
-- otherwise
constCase =
Constant <$> case (op, pv) of
(OpBin op', [x, y]) -> doBinOp op' x y
(OpCmp op', [x, y]) -> BoolValue <$> doCmpOp op' x y
(OpUn op', [x]) -> doUnOp op' x
(OpConv op', [x]) -> doConvOp op' x
(OpFn fn, _) -> do
(_, _, f) <- M.lookup fn primFuns
f pv
_ -> error "doOp: opTypeMatch"

nonconstCase dep = do
-- In this case, some values are variables. We therefore
-- have to perform the necessary steps for AD

-- First, we calculate the value for the previous depth
let oprev = map primal o
vprev <- doOp op oprev

-- Then we separate the values of the maximum depth from
-- those of a lower depth
let o' = map (divideDepths dep) o
-- Then we find out what type of AD is being performed
case find isRight o' of
-- Finally, we perform the necessary steps for the given
-- type of AD
Just (Right (VJP {})) ->
Just . Variable dep . VJP . VJPValue $ vjpHandleOp op (map extractVJP o') vprev
Just (Right (JVP {})) ->
Variable dep . JVP . JVPValue vprev <$> jvpHandleFn op (map extractJVP o')
_ ->
-- Since the maximum depth is non-zero, there must be at
-- least one variable of depth > 0
error "find isRight"

calculatePDs :: Op -> [ADValue] -> Maybe [ADValue]
calculatePDs op p = do
-- Create a unique VName for each operand
let n = map (\i -> VName (nameFromString $ "x" ++ show i) i) [1 .. length p]
-- Put the operands in the environment
let m = M.fromList $ zip n p

-- Look up, and calculate the partial derivative
-- of the operation with respect to each operand
pde <- lookupPDs op $ map (`LeafExp` opReturnType op) n
mapM (evalPrimExp m) pde

-- VJP / Reverse mode automatic differentiation--
-- In reverse mode AD, the entire computation
-- leading up to a variable must be saved
-- This is represented as a Tape
newtype VJPValue = VJPValue Tape
deriving (Show)

-- | Represents a computation tree, as well as every intermediate
-- value in its evaluation. TODO: make this a graph.
data Tape
= -- | This represents a variable. Each variable is given a unique ID,
-- and has an initial value
TapeID Int ADValue
| -- | This represents a constant.
TapeConst ADValue
| -- | This represents the application of a mathematical operation.
-- Each parameter is given by its Tape, and the return value of
-- the operation is saved
TapeOp Op [Tape] ADValue
deriving (Show)

-- | Returns the primal value of a Tape.
tapePrimal :: Tape -> ADValue
tapePrimal (TapeID _ v) = v
tapePrimal (TapeConst v) = v
tapePrimal (TapeOp _ _ v) = v

-- This updates Tape of a VJPValue with a new operation,
-- treating all operands of a lower depth as constants
vjpHandleOp :: Op -> [Either ADValue VJPValue] -> ADValue -> Tape
vjpHandleOp op p v = do
TapeOp op (map toTape p) v
toTape (Left v') = TapeConst v'
toTape (Right (VJPValue t)) = t

-- | This calculates every partial derivative of a 'Tape'. The result
-- is a map of the partial derivatives, each key corresponding to the
-- ID of a free variable (see TapeID).
deriveTape :: Tape -> ADValue -> Maybe (M.Map Int ADValue)
deriveTape (TapeID i _) s = Just $ M.fromList [(i, s)]
deriveTape (TapeConst _) _ = Just M.empty
deriveTape (TapeOp op p _) s = do
-- Calculate the new sensitivities
s'' <- case op of
OpConv op' -> do
-- In case of type conversion, simply convert the sensitivity
s' <- doOp (OpConv $ flipConvOp op') [s]
Just [s']
_ -> do
pds <- calculatePDs op $ map tapePrimal p
mapM (mul s) pds

-- Propagate the new sensitivities
pd <- zipWithM deriveTape p s''
-- Add up the results
Just $ foldl (M.unionWith add) M.empty pd
add x y =
fromMaybe (error "deriveTape: addition failed") $
doOp (OpBin $ addFor $ opReturnType op) [x, y]
mul x y = doOp (OpBin $ mulFor $ opReturnType op) [x, y]

-- JVP / Forward mode automatic differentiation--

-- | In JVP, the derivative of the variable must be saved. This is
-- represented as a second value.
data JVPValue = JVPValue ADValue ADValue
deriving (Show)

-- | This calculates the derivative part of the JVPValue resulting
-- from the application of a mathematical operation on one or more
-- JVPValues.
jvpHandleFn :: Op -> [Either ADValue JVPValue] -> Maybe ADValue
jvpHandleFn op p = do
case op of
OpConv _ ->
-- In case of type conversion, simply convert
-- the old derivative
doOp op [derivative $ head p]
_ -> do
-- Calculate the new derivative using the chain
-- rule
pds <- calculatePDs op $ map primal' p
vs <- zipWithM mul pds $ map derivative p
foldM add (Constant $ blankPrimValue $ opReturnType op) vs
primal' (Left v) = v
primal' (Right (JVPValue v _)) = v
derivative (Left v) = Constant $ blankPrimValue $ primValueType $ primitive v
derivative (Right (JVPValue _ d)) = d

add x y = doOp (OpBin $ addFor $ opReturnType op) [x, y]
mul x y = doOp (OpBin $ mulFor $ opReturnType op) [x, y]

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