Spring Boot Producer and Consumer using RabbitMQ as a broker
RabbitMQ uses jms sepcification with AMQP protocol CloudAMQP provides RabbitMQ as a fully managed service
Port 15672 is sued for http port 5672 is used for AQMP messaging
#PubSub model A publisher application publishes message to the Fanout Exchange with 2 queues to be consumed by 2 different consumers
#PointToPoint model(PTP) A publisher application publishes message to the Topic Exchange with 1 queue to be consumed by 1 consumer
- Start RabbitMQ in docker using the command docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --name my-rabbit rabbitmq:3-management
- Create a FanoutExchange with a name
- Create 2 Queues with separate names
- Create a binding for each queue to bind the queue with the exchange
- Create a connection factory with the rabbitmq config. This is optional as Spring boot automatically creates the connection factory with config from the application.properties
- When a rest post api called is made with the payload, the controller uses the RabbitTemplate to send the message to the exchange.
- The exchange routes the message to the configured queues using the routing key. For Fanout exchange, routing key is ignored as it publishes to all queues
- Make a post request to http://localhost:8080/publish method with the payload and the producer puts the message in the RabbitMQ
- Open RabbitMQ console at port. Use guest/guest to login
- Verify the messages in the queues
- The receiver application also follows the same config as producer with FanoutExchange, 2 queues, bindings
- Aditionally, the receiver needs separate SimpleMessageListenerContainers and listerner adapter for every queue
- JMS receiver implements ChannelAwareMessageListener and overrides onMessage method to process the method and send ack to RabbitMQ
- Upon sending ack, RabitMQ deletes the message from the queue
- Upon receiving the nessage from rabbitMQ, the application puts the data in the Mysql DB running in AWS RDS