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How it works

Timothé Rios edited this page Mar 1, 2024 · 22 revisions


OgreeObject class

Every object we populate in OGrEE 3D is an OgreeObject.

Standard attributes

Type Name Comment
string name The "short" name of the object
string hierarchyName ONLY IN 3D CLIENT The "complete" name of the object, including hierarchy (eg:
string id Given by server
string parentId The ID of the parent object
string category Must be part of the following list to be recognized
List<string> description
string domain The owner of the object
Dictrionary<string, string> attributes Non standard attributes

Non standard attributes

  • Some attributes are mandatory to create specific objects, but are non standard.
Name Comment domain site building room rack device group corridor
color Hexadecimal code yes
orientation See below yes yes
posXY Serialized Vector2 yes yes
posXYUnit See below yes yes yes
posXYZ Serialized Vector3 yes
rotation float yes yes
axisOrientation See below yes
size Serialized Vector2 yes yes yes yes
sizeUnit See below yes yes yes yes
height yes yes yes yes
heightUnit See below yes yes yes yes
template yes yes yes yes
floorUnit See below yes
sizeU Optional if template if defined yes
slot Optional if posU if defined yes
posU Optional if slot if defined yes
content All list for group, only corners for corridor yes yes
temperature cold or warm yes
  • Some other attributes aren't mandatory but have an impact in the objects.
Name Comment domain site building room rack device group corridor
color Hexadecimal code yes yes yes
usableColor Hexadecimal code yes
reservedColor Hexadecimal code yes
technicalColor Hexadecimal code yes
reserved Serialized custom Vector4 yes
technical Serialized custom Vector4 yes
separators Serialized list of separators* yes
tiles Serialized list of tiles* yes
rows Serialized list of rows* yes
customColors Serialized list of custom colors* yes

* More details here

  • You can also add any custom attribute in object.attributes.

Recognized values


  • domain
  • site
  • building
  • room
  • rack
  • device
  • group
  • corridor


  • +x+y
  • +x-y
  • -x-y
  • -x+y


A Vector3 but, depending of the object category, the orientation can have specific values.

For a rack:

  • front
  • rear
  • left
  • right

For a device:

  • front
  • rear
  • frontflipped
  • rearflipped

Floor units

  • t (tiles)
  • m (meters)
  • f (feet)


  • mm
  • cm
  • m
  • U
  • OU
  • t