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Releases: djh1997/proj324

final report

21 May 11:01
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upload final report 🎉

final release

20 May 17:28
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final release for deadline 🎉

<> By David Joseph Hawkins using :atom: & :octocat:

viva release

13 May 18:37
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viva release Pre-release

final release for viva week

pre via release

01 May 15:44
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pre via release Pre-release

initial viva code release

progress demo release

17 Mar 17:00
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progress demo release Pre-release

Stage Criteria

This is the criteria I would like to meet, to feel as though I have created a successful project.

Stage Name Description
1 Smart shades Make a set of smart sun classes
2 Auto smart shades Add LDR to control the opacity
3 Auto smart point shades Add camera to make dark point over bright points
4 Controllable smart shades Add options to swap between modes
5 Driving/safety improvements Auto react headlights etc.

I have all stages working except the driving mode

Then I decided to use telegram to add remote control so that you could adjust the colour of the tint remote control

command param Description
help na show the help menu
pickcolour pick from list of tints preset tints/colours
pickmode pick manual,tint,points or full auto change current mode
tellmeajoke na tells a joke
tint percentage sets the tint of the lenses
up na see if the bot is up
temp na see the CPU temperature
start na starts shades
stop na stop shades
exit na exit shades
reboot na reboot shades
halt na shutdown shades
uprecords na see up time
debug na toggles debug
colourset fore/back@0/255,0/255,0/255 sets the colour of the lenses
allowAllIds na toggles if user id is needed

After I had all of the systems working I bought a 5 button capacitive touch sensor and started adding that into the code so that I would be able to control the glasses with out having to have it connected to the internet

button pressed held
1 scroll tints reset tint to clear
2 scroll modes reset to manual
3 debug turn off
4 stop start
5 na exit

bebug toggle

20 Feb 17:47
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bebug toggle Pre-release
command parameter Description
help na show the help menu
mode 0=manual 1=tint 2=points 3=full auto change current mode
tint percentage sets the tint of the lenses
colourset fore/back@0/255,0/255,0/255 sets the colour of the lenses
pickcolour pick from list of tints preset tints/colours
start na starts shades
stop na stop shades
exit na exit shades
reboot na reboot shades
halt na shutdown shades
up na see if the bot is up
temp na see the CPU temperature
uprecords na see up time
debug na toggle debug

initial version

20 Feb 16:25
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initial version Pre-release
command parameter Description
help na show the help menu
mode 0=manual 1=tint 2=points 3=full auto change current mode
tint percentage sets the tint of the lenses
colourset fore/back@0/255,0/255,0/255 sets the colour of the lenses
pickcolour pick from list of tints preset tints/colours
start na starts shades
stop na stop shades
exit na exit shades
reboot na reboot shades
halt na shutdown shades
up na see if the bot is up
temp na see the CPU temperature
uprecords na see up time