NCATS (chemical) ocr engine that can a way to vectorize chemical images into Chemical objects preserving the 2D layout as much as possible. The code is still very raw in terms of utility. Check out for a demonstration of MolVec. Please forward questions and/or problems to [email protected].
#$ How To Build
You can build the whole project as a jar file with:
$ mvn clean pacakge
Or install the project into your maven repository using:
$ mvn install
File image = ...
String mol = Molvec.ocr(image);
New in 0.8 MolVec supports asynchronous calls
CompleteableFuture<String> future = Molvec.ocrAsync( image);
String mol = future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
The Molvec jar has a runnable Main class with the following options
usage: molvec ([-gui],[[(-f <path> [-o <path>]) | (-dir <path> [-outDir <path>],[-parallel <count>])]],[-scale <value>],[-h])
Image to Chemical Structure Extractor Analyzes the given image and tries to find the chemical structure drawn and
convert it into a Mol format.
-dir <path> path to a directory of image files to process. Supported formats include png, jpeg, tiff. Each
image file found will be attempted to be processed. If -out or -outDir is not specified then
each processed mol will be put in the same directory and named $filename.molThis option or -f
is required if not using -gui
-f,--file <path> path of image file to process. Supported formats include png, jpeg, tiff. This option or -dir
is required if not using -gui
-gui Run Molvec in GUI mode. file and scale option may be set to preload file
-h,--help print helptext
-o,--out <path> path of output processed mol. Only valid when not using gui mode. If not specified output is
sent to STDOUT
-outDir <path> path to output directory to put processed mol files. If this path does not exist it will e
-parallel <count> Number of images to process simultaneously, if not specified defaults to 1
-scale <value> scale of image to show in viewer (only valid if gui mode AND file are specified)
$molvec -f /path/to/image.file
parse the given image file and print out the structure mol to STDOUT
$molvec -dir /path/to/directory
serially parse all the image files inside the given directory and write out a new mol file for each image named
$image.file.mol the new files will be put in the input directory
$molvec -dir /path/to/directory -outDir /path/to/outputDir
serially parse all the image files inside the given directory and write out a new mol file for each image named
$image.file.mol the new files will be put in the directory specified by outDir
$molvec -dir /path/to/directory -parallel 4
parse in 4 concurrent parallel threads all the image files inside the given directory and write out a new mol file for
each image named $image.file.mol the new files will be put in the directory specified by outDir
$molvec -gui
open the Molvec Graphical User interface without any image preloaded
$molvec -gui -f /path/to/image.file
open the Molvec Graphical User interface with the given image file preloaded
$molvec -gui -f /path/to/image.file -scale 2.0
open the Molvec Graphical User interface with the given image file preloaded zoomed in/out to the given scale
Molvec Comes with a Swing Viewer you can use to step through each step of the structure recognition process