See documentation for your favourite plugin manager.
Do note that several plugin functions depend on the vim-dn-latex-resources
directory being findable on the runtimepath
Requires dn-utils.nvim by the same author.
Plugin assumes you are using atp-vim. An atp configuration file is provided that:
- Sets it to use vim completion rather than python completion
- Provides shortcuts for moving between environments
- Sets progress bar to display on tex compilation
- Switches to the lualatex engine
- Sets the compilation switch '-recorder'
- Changes settings to play nice with CommandT and UltiSnips plugins
- Optionally configures project to use subdirectory ('working') for compilation.
See :h dn-latex-atp
for further details.
The plugin includes files for beamer themes Air, Amsterdam, Bunsen, Frederiksberg, Lleida, McGill, Oxygen, Stockton, Sybila, Torino and UNL. These files are located in the vim-dn-latex-resources/beamer plugin subdirectory. To install the themes in tex they need to copied into a latex directory.
Provided vim-dn-latex-resources/beamer is on the runtimepath, the beamer files can be copied to the TEXMFHOME directory (usually ~/texmf on unix) by running the DNL_SyncBeamer function. This function determines the target directory with 'kpsewhich', the files are copied (synchronised) by 'rsync', and the tex ls-R database is updated by 'mktexlsr' (also called 'texhash' on some systems).
It is possible to automate beamer file synchronisation by setting a custom script to run during each git merge (includes all git pulls) of the repository. Such a script is provided in the vim-dn-latex-resources/git plugin subdirectory. See :h dn-latex-beamer-git-hook
for details on setting this script to run automatically.
Templates are provided for article, report, book and beamer presentation documents. Function DNL_InsertTemplate provides for the user to select document type and enter document author, title and description (and institute for Beamer presentations). An appropriate template is inserted and the values replace tokens in the templates.
This function is designed to be called from the vim configuration file on the BufNewFile event.
Adjust vim settings:
Special characters can be selected from a menu and their tex codes inserted into the document. See :h dn-latex-mapping-at
and :h DNL-AlignTable
for more details.
Columns in a table can be automatically aligned. Certain conditions have to be followed in creating the table. See :h dn-latex-mapping-at
and :h DNL-AlignTable
for further details.
Custom ultisnips snippets are provided. See :h dn-latex-ultisnips
for details.