This repository contains a Django project set up for simple static file serving, while still taking advantage of Django templating, and making it easy to add form processing (eg. for contact forms) and use other Django features.
More info:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Create a new Python virtual environment and install required packages:
mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages mysite
pip install -r django-staticsite/requirements.txt
Run it:
cd django-staticsite/staticsite
python runserver
That's it! The repository comes with an example index.html and CSS taken from
To add your content, put the HTML templates to pages/templates
static assets to pages/static
If you already have Heroku app you want to deploy to, just add the Heroku remote repository:
git remote add heroku ...
If you're creating a new Heroku app:
heroku apps:create mysite
In both cases, deployment (and later updates) are as easy as:
git push heroku master:master
Public domain. There isn't much to it, anyways, just a few config files.