Version: 0.0.1
Last Update: 27.07.2015
Author: Jonathan Wildermuth [[email protected]]
Project File Structure
|-- .bowerrc
|-- .gitignore
|-- bower.json
|-- package.json
|-- config.json
|-- Gruntfile.js
|-- src
|-- index.html
|-- cordova.js
|-- plugins
|-- Movilizer.js
|-- js
|-- app.js
|-- css
|-- normalize.css
|-- sass
|-- main.scss
Skip if nodejs, grunt and bower are installed
The first thing to do in order to use Grunt is to set up Node.js. >
Once Node.js is installed, install grunt. You may need to use sudo (for OSX, *nix, BSD etc) or run your command shell as Administrator (for Windows) to do this.:
$ [sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli
Install Bower (optional)
$ [sudo] npm install -g bower
configure bower.json to add or remove dev/dependencies eg. jquery, underscore ...
$ bower install
All bower components are installed in the directory "src/bower_components"
Install grunt modules
$ npm install
All node modules are installed in the directory "node_modules"
add bower_components paths to "lib_files"
for example:
"libs_files": [
insert movilizerMDS demo cloud credentials
"movilizerMDS": {
"url": "",
"systemId": "SYSTEM_ID",
"password": "PASSWORD",
"pool": "DOCUMENT_POOL",
"key": "DOCUMENT_KEY",
"lang": "",
"suffix": "zip"
All Grunt tasks are defined in the Gruntfile.js
$ grunt server
to start the local webserver (http://localhost:8000/)
$ grunt
to execute the default grunt task ["clean", "sass:dev", "copy", "concat", "uglify", "watch"]
default task include:
- clean // Clean up the www folder
- sass:dev // compile sass file and create minified css file
- copy // Copy all necessary project files to deploy
- concat // Concatenate all js source files in js folder
- uglify // Minify the app.js file
- watch // Watch file changes and re-build immediately !
You can install the Live Reload Browser Extension for Chrome: LiveReload monitors changes in the file system. As soon as you save a file, it is preprocessed as needed, and the browser is refreshed.
$ grunt upload
will compress your www folder and upload to MovilizerMDS.
It's also possible to include the compress and upload task with the default task. For example:
grunt.registerTask("default", ["clean", "sass:dev", "copy", "concat", "uglify", "compress", "upload_file", "watch"]);