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This docker image can be used to run a PSGI application contained within a real directory on the host system that contains an app.psgi file. The image has perl and RapidApp pre-installed, but will by default install any additional, missing required packages from CPAN at runtime if a cpanfile is present in the app directory.

The application is started using the start_server superdaemon with sane default options which you can override if needed (see Environment Variables section below)

Using this image:

run interactively:

cd /path/to/psgi/app/
docker run --name=my-app --volume=$(pwd):/opt/app -it -p 5000:5000 rapi/psgi


running an app directly from a git repo

You can also run an app on-the-fly from a remote repository. This feature is mainly provided for the purposes of quick/easy testing. This is done by calling the special via-git command with a valid repository URL argument. For example:

docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 rapi/psgi \


This mode simply clones the repo to /opt/app to start. The above example does not mount an external path on the volume, so the app is stored and run from the container and not a path of the host system. You can still mount a volume on /opt/app if you want. For instance, this would leave the cloned repository on the host system:

mkdir yn2015
cd yn2015/
docker run --rm --volume=$(pwd):/opt/app -it -p 5000:5000 rapi/psgi \


The above is roughly equivalent to this:

git clone --recursive
cd yn2015/
docker run --rm --volume=$(pwd):/opt/app -it -p 5000:5000 rapi/psgi


running as a daemon

You can also create a persistent container to run as a daemon in the background. This is the suggested setup:

# Create a new, named container:
docker create \
  --name=my-cool-app \
  --hostname=my-cool-app \
  --interactive --tty \
  -p 5000:5000 \
  -v /path/to/MyCoolApp:/opt/app \
  --restart=always \

# Start:
docker start my-cool-app

# View the console output in real-time:
docker logs --follow my-cool-app


exec running containers

You can get to a shell for a running container like this:

docker exec -it my-cool-app bash



From within the shell of the running container, you can restart the app w/o needing to restart the container itself by running the provided command:



You can also restart the app from the host system directly:

docker exec my-cool-app app-restart


This uses the restart functionality provided by start_server



You can also stop the app, while keeping the container running, with stop-app:

docker exec my-cool-app stop-app


The app will start back up as soon as you run app-restart

docker exec my-cool-app app-restart



You can also start the container (docker run|create) with the special init-stopped command to have the system wait for you to run app-restart to start-up the app for the first time:

docker run -d --name=my-cool-app -h my-cool-app \
  -it -p 5000:5000 -v /path/to/MyCoolApp:/opt/app \
rapi/psgi init-stopped

docker exec my-cool-app app-restart


Starting the container with the init-stopped command is essentially the same as starting normally and then running stop-app


Environment Variables

Several special environment variables can be set to control system behavior, and others are set automatically to provide useful information to the application.



Set RAPI_PSGI_IGNORE_CPANFILE to true to ignore the cpanfile if it exists



Set RAPI_PSGI_CPAN_NOTEST to true to install CPAN packages with cpanm -n to skip running tests when processing the cpanfile



Set RAPI_PSGI_SET_SYSTEM_TIMEZONE to a valid timezone name to change the system timezone. If this is not set, the timezone will be left as-is which defaults to UTC. Name must be a valid path under /usr/share/zoneinfo/

docker create --name=my-cool-app -h my-cool-app \
  -it -p 5000:5000 -v /path/to/MyCoolApp:/opt/app \



Set this to a rapi/psgi tag/version string to require at least that version in order to start-up.

docker create --name=my-cool-app -h my-cool-app \
  -it -p 5000:5000 -v /path/to/MyCoolApp:/opt/app \
  -e RAPI_PSGI_MIN_VERSION="1.1007" \


Note: 1.1007-C was the first version that this feature was enabled.



TCP port to listen to. Defaults to 5000 which you should only change if you know what you are doing. To use a different port on the docker host, such as 5432, use the -p|--port option in the docker run|create command:

 -p 5432:5000



Seconds to wait to auto-restart the app if it exits. This is the --interval option supplied to the start_server command.

Defaults to 10

Available since version 1.2000-C



The command supplied to start_server (after --). Defaults to plackup -s Gazelle.

See the start_server documentation for more info.



Optional url/path of the local app which will be called by the system automatically every RAPI_PSGI_BACKGROUND_FREQUENCY seconds. This provides a simple, in-line way to have background code ran without needing to setup a separate cron or other task scheduling system.

For example, if your app had a controller action at /run_cron, the following would have it automatically called every 5 minutes:

docker create --name=my-cool-app -h my-cool-app \
  -it -p 5000:5000 -v /path/to/MyCoolApp:/opt/app \
  -e RAPI_PSGI_BACKGROUND_URL='/run_cron' \


Available since version 1.1008



How often (in seconds) the RAPI_PSGI_BACKGROUND_URL, if set, should be called. Defaults to 60 (1 minute).

Note: the system will not start a new background request if the previous one is still running. See RAPI_PSGI_BACKGROUND_TIMEOUT below for the max time each request is allowed to run for.



Maximum time (in seconds) the background request to the RAPI_PSGI_BACKGROUND_URL is allowed to run before being stopped/killed. Only 1 request is allowed to be ran at once, so if the previous request is still running, a new request won't be started even if RAPI_PSGI_BACKGROUND_FREQUENCY has elapsed.

Defaults to 300 (5 minutes)



Optional path to log the results of the background requests to, if RAPI_PSGI_BACKGROUND_URL is set. Path will be relative to the app root /opt/app unless an absolute path is supplied (relative to the container filesystem). Log file will be automatically managed and rotated using Log::Dispatch::FileRotate

Default is unset which means not to log.

Available since 1.1100-A



Optional extra options to pass to the Log::Dispatch::FileRotate constructor when RAPI_PSGI_BACKGROUND_LOG is set. Value should be supplied as string eval-able to a Perl HashRef. For example:

 -e RAPI_PSGI_BACKGROUND_LOG_OPTS='{ size=>1024*1024*10, max=>10, min_level=>"info" }'

The default options are:

   mode      => 'append',
   name      => 'bgreq',
   min_level => 'debug',
   size      => 1024*1024*50,
   max       => 6,

See Log::Dispatch::FileRotate#METHODS



When set to true, the control script will exit immediately upon receiving a quit signal and not wait for the worker threads to terminate cleanly. Useful when doing development and wanting Ctrl-C to exit quickly, or if the app is known to have no needed cleanup. Defaults to false.

Available since 1.3004



Set CATALYST_DEBUG to true to enable verbose debug messages on the console.

This is not specific to rapi/psgi but to Catalyst/RapidApp in general.



Set DBIC_TRACE to true to enable dumping SQL statements on the console.

This is not specific to rapi/psgi but to DBIx::Class/RapidApp in general.



When DBIC_TRACE is enabled, set DBIC_TRACE_PROFILE=console for prettier output of SQL statements.

This is not specific to rapi/psgi but to DBIx::Class/RapidApp in general.



docker create --name=my-cool-app -h my-cool-app \
  -it -p 5000:5000 -v /path/to/MyCoolApp:/opt/app \
  -e RAPI_PSGI_MIN_VERSION="1.1007" \



This is an informational variable which contains the version/tag of the rapi/psgi Docker Hub image



This value is always true (1) and is used by internal scripts to prevent executing certain code/commands outside the context of this image. You can also use this value in your own code to do the same.




For convenience, the host name docker-host is automatically setup in /etc/hosts pointing to the IP address of the default gateway (which is the docker host system). This allows apps to be able to reference docker-host and have it always mean the same thing. This is useful for setups which used to reference localhost for services like SMTP, etc. docker-host is the same concept, just always referencing the gateway.

Available since 1.1008-A



Starting in version 1.1008-B official 'extras' are now available but are not installed to the base image, but can be installed in either a runniong container or a downstream image by running the rapi-install-extras command. These are extra packages and commands which I find useful (nmap, tcpdump, etc) but aren't pre-installed in order to save image space. The list of extras changes with the image version just like the Dockerfile does


Docker image for running PSGI apps, comes with RapidApp






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