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Creates an IAM policy for use in a data pipeline.

module "data_pipeline_iam_policy" {
  source = "dod-iac/data-pipeline-iam-policy/aws"

  name = format("app-%s-data-pipeline-%s", var.application, var.environment)
  s3_buckets_read  = [module.s3_bucket_source.arn]
  s3_buckets_write = [module.s3_bucket_destination.arn]
  tags = {
    Application = var.application
    Environment = var.environment
    Automation  = "Terraform"


Run all terratest tests using the terratest script. If using aws-vault, you could use aws-vault exec $AWS_PROFILE -- terratest. The AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable is required by the tests. Use TT_SKIP_DESTROY=1 to not destroy the infrastructure created during the tests. Use TT_VERBOSE=1 to log all tests as they are run. Use TT_TIMEOUT to set the timeout for the tests, with the value being in the Go format, e.g., 15m. Use TT_TEST_NAME to run a specific test by name.

Terraform Version

Terraform 0.13. Pin module version to ~> 1.0.0 . Submit pull-requests to main branch.

Terraform 0.11 and 0.12 are not supported.


This project constitutes a work of the United States Government and is not subject to domestic copyright protection under 17 USC § 105. However, because the project utilizes code licensed from contributors and other third parties, it therefore is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for more information.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13
aws >= 3.0, < 5.0


Name Version
aws >= 3.0, < 5.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_iam_policy.main resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.main data source
aws_partition.current data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
athena_buckets_results The ARNs of the AWS S3 buckets that store the results of Athena queries. Use ["*"] to allow all buckets. list(string) [] no
athena_buckets_source The ARNs of the AWS S3 buckets that store the data being queried through Athena. Use ["*"] to allow all buckets. list(string) [] no
athena_tables_exec A list of the Glue tables that can be read from during execution of Athena queries. Use ["*"] to allow all tables.
database = string
table = string
[] no
athena_workgroups_exec The ARNs of the AWS Athena workgroups that can be executed. Use ["*"] to allow all workgroups. list(string) [] no
codecommit_repos_pull The ARNs of the AWS CodeCommit repos that can be pulled. Use ["*"] to allow all repos. list(string) [] no
codecommit_repos_push The ARNs of the AWS CodeCommit repos that can be pushed. Use ["*"] to allow all repos. list(string) [] no
description The description of the AWS IAM policy. Defaults to "The policy for [NAME]." string "" no
ecr_repos_read The ARNs of the AWS ECR repos that can be read from. Use ["*"] to allow all repos. list(string) [] no
ecr_repos_write The ARNs of the AWS ECR repos that can be written to. Use ["*"] to allow all repos. list(string) [] no
glue_tables_add List of Glue tables that partitions can be added to.
database = string
table = string
[] no
kms_keys_decrypt The ARNs of the AWS KMS keys that can be used to decrypt data. Use ["*"] to allow all keys. list(string) [] no
kms_keys_encrypt The ARNs of the AWS KMS keys that can be used to encrypt data. Use ["*"] to allow all keys. list(string) [] no
name The name of the AWS IAM policy. string n/a yes
s3_buckets_read The ARNs of the AWS S3 buckets that can be read from. Use ["*"] to allow all buckets. list(string) [] no
s3_buckets_write The ARNs of the AWS S3 buckets that can be written to. Use ["*"] to allow all buckets. list(string) [] no


Name Description
arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS IAM policy.
id The id of the AWS IAM policy.
name The name of the AWS IAM policy.