Codes for reproducing "Improving Transferability of Adversarial Examples by Saliency Distribution and Data Augmentation".
This experiment code bases on Python 3.6.
The program is developed under:
- tensorflow-gpu 1.14.0
- opencv-python
- opencv-contrib-python
- pandas 1.0.5
- numpy 1.18.5
- scipy 1.2.3
You can run
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the packages, or you can install them by conda.
We use NIPS 2017 adversarial learning development set as our test dataset, which consists of 1,000 images.
The image size is 299 x 299 x 3 and is saved in ./datasets/images
The name, label and target class for each image is saved in ./datasets/images.csv
To generate the saliency map of each image, please run
, the results will be saved in ./datasets/saliency_maps
Pre-trained models are placed in ./checkpoints
The Pre-trained models can be downloaded from TensorFlow-Slim image classification model library
To perform our attack, we provide an example below:
You should first generate the saliency map for each image. To generate the saliency map, you should run:
python --input_dir ./datasets/images --output_dir ./datasets/saliency_maps/ --csv_file ./datasets/data.csv
Then use images and saliency maps to generate adversarial examples. To perform our single-model attack, you should run:
python --model_type vgg_19 --input_dir ./datasets/images --output_dir ./results/vgg_19 --csv_file ./datasets/data.csv --saliency_maps ./datasets/saliency_maps --batch_size 50 --noise 32
Note that the batch_size depends on the GPU performance.
Since the transferable targeted attack is more difficult on the single-model setting, we set the epsilon noise
as 32
/255 in the l-infinity
To perform our ensembled attack, you should run:
python --input_dir ./datasets/images --output_dir ./results/ensemble --csv_file ./datasets/data.csv --saliency_maps ./datasets/saliency_maps --batch_size 20 --noise 16
The generated adversarial examples are saved in ./results
After that, you can evaluate the effect of our attack. We offer several models to evaluate:
To evaluate our result on a model (for example, inception_v4
), you should run the following command:
python --input_dir ./results/vgg_19 --csv_file ./datasets/data.csv --batch_size 100 --model_type inception_v4 --log test-log.txt
The evaluation result will be saved in test-log.txt
We display some adversarial examples of our approach and compare with other adversarial examples generated by the state-of-the-art methods in results.jpg