This is an app to get started using Finch. This app has been configured to run on Heroku: check .
Make sure you have Postgres installed and then run the following scripts to fill the database:
$ curl -O
$ psql -c 'create user postgres createdb'
$ psql -c 'create database world;' -U postgres
$ psql -c '\i world.sql' -d world -U postgres
$ psql -c 'create database worldtest;' -U postgres
$ psql -c '\i world.sql' -d worldtest -U postgres
This dataset and sample data has been taken from the book of doobie:
To run the app locally, type on the command line:
sbt run
To run the tests:
sbt test
For the moment it has these endpoints:
Example request:
curl --request GET http://localhost:8081/hello
Example response
{"message":"Hello, world!"}
Example request:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"language":"de","country":"DE"}' \
Example response:
{"locale":{"language":"de","country":"DE"},"time":"Fri Mar 29 17:04:34 CET 2019"}
Example request:
curl --request GET http://localhost:8081/countries
Example response (very long list):
[{"code":"AFG","name":"Afghanistan","pop":22720000,"gnp":5976.00},{"code":"NLD","name":"Netherlands","pop":15864000,"gnp":371362.00},{"code":"ANT","name":"Netherlands Antilles","pop":217000,"gnp":1941.00}, ...]