It's a tool written in ruby which was created to solve sudoku. You can use it as a library or with a command line.
gem install sudoku-solver
If you want to use it on Ubuntu you should add path to folder with gems' executable files (I really don't know why it isn't set by default):
export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin
Now you can use it by typing:
solve-sudoku file
A file parameter must be a correct path to file containing sudoku and should look like this:
| 6 | | 2 |
| | |73 |
| 8| 5 |6 |
| 9 |5 | 4|
| 5 |3 8| 7 |
|4 | 9| 1 |
| 6| 1 |2 |
| 31| | |
| 7 | | 4 |
If you want to use this program as library, please check source of an executable file.