Our paper is accepted by AAAI 2025 👏👏👏.
Comparison of 1-w 1-d Graph RAG (a), n-w Graph RAG (b), n-d Graph RAG (c) and n-w n-d Graph RAG (d, Ours)
- For graph2text mode, please download the model(T5 sft): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1812Hy9eMHa_h7dQn70N6eQAmKR_x7WDH/view?usp=sharing
- You can load the neo4j database of Wikidata from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vrdt86zqG2M1apaSAUciuqXx9BwQKd1g/view?usp=sharing
- Given query and the subjectival entity:
python fasttog.py \
--query "What is the climate of the area where Pennsylvania Convention Center belong ?" \
--entity "Pennsylvania Convention Center" \
--base_path . \
--llm_api https://xxxx \
--llm_api_key xxxx \
--graph2text_path Path_of_Graph2Text_Model \
--kg_api neo4j://xxxx \
--kg_user xxxx \
--kg_pw xxxx \
--kg_graph_file_name visulize \
--community_max_size 4
- query question you want to ask
- entity subjectival entity of you question. You should check the entity exist in the KG before running the script
- base_path path for the files of solution
- graph2text_path path for your download or pretained graph2text model. If none, T2T mode will be adopted.
- kg_graph_file_name image name of communities visulization (generated in the base_path)
query: "What is the climate of the area where Pennsylvania Convention Center belong ?"
entity: "Pennsylvania Convention Center"
status: Status.OK
answer:humid continental climate
The visulize.png in the path 'Pennsylvania_Convention_Center-1725603642' for solving this query is:
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