This Ansible role is used to setup Cuckoo on an Ubuntu 18.04 box. To keep things simple, the following is assumed:
- Single instance setup
- KVM as hypervisor (XenServer coming soon)
- PostgreSQL as database is already installed and configured. You can use my very basic Postgres role to install the database:
- The Ubuntu 18.04 is already hardened. A good Ansible role for this task is
- The host firewall is configured so that the VMs can reach the Cuckoo service on TCP port 2042
Host variables with NO default values:
# Create password with python -c 'import crypt; print crypt.crypt("This is my Password", "$1$SomeSalt$")'
cuckoo_user_password: <password hash, see comment above>
- /path/to/your/ssh/public/keys
cuckoo_server_ip: <IP of the sandbox server as the VMs see it>
db_user: <username of the DB user>
db_password: <password of db_user>
db_name: <database name>
# Example values. VMs must be created manually/outside of this role
- name: "win7x64_02"
ip: ""
platform: windows
snapshot: snap5
interface: virbr0
tags: win7x64
osprofile: Win7SP1x64
- name: "win7x64_01"
ip: ""
platform: windows
snapshot: snap1
interface: virbr0
tags: win7x64
osprofile: Win7SP1x64
Variables with default values:
cuckoo_user_uid: 1234
cuckoo_user_shell: "/bin/bash"
cuckoo_user: cuckoo
cuckoo_user_home: /home/cuckoo
cuckoo_virtualenv: /home/cuckoo/venv
kvm_interface_name: virbr0
hosts: sandboxes
role: ansible-role-cuckoo
tags: role-cuckoo
- Configure the role variables except cuckoo_sandbox_vm
- Run the role
- Create at least one sandbox VM, snapshot it when ready
- Configure at least one cuckoo_sandbox_vm in your vars
- Run the role again
- Login to the cuckoo server, change to cuckoo user, activate virtualenv
- Start cuckoo with
supervisord -c .cuckoo/supervisord.conf