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Issue or pull request is blocked
Pull request has been approved and set to automerge
Pull request has a conflict that needs to be resolved before it can be merged
Pull request was raised automatically by a dependency bot
Do not merge this pull request
Do not review this pull request
Pull request needs a review from assigned developers
Pull request is ready for manual testing
Pull request is ready to be merged (assigned after testing is complete)
Pull request was reviewed and reviver(s) asked to work further on the pull request
Pull request needs to be urgently reviewed
The issue was triaged and confirmed for development
The issue is complete and waiting for a release
The issue is being worked on
The issue requires more information
The issue requires more work
An issue or PR has not been assessed and requires a triage
Issue is a related to a maintenance
Issue is a new feature request
Issue or pull request is related to an upstream project
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