This repository contains the source code of our space ACA on data nodes, space ACA on internal nodes and time ACAs.
Space ACA on data nodes
- MCK implementation: This file contains main logic of the attack (MCK implementation)
- Source code
- White-box: setting=1
- Gray-box: setting=2
- python script to generate dataset to constrcut a "substitude" tree (described in paper).
- Scripts to regenerate the result in Figure 2
Space ACA on internal nodes
- Source code
- Script to regenerate the result in Table 2
Time ACA on ALEX
- Source code
- Scripts to regenerate the results in Figure 5 ( Note: Before mounting any time ACA attacks to modified ALEX (forcing catastrohpic expansion instead of catastrohpic split) or vanilla ALEX, we need to comment/uncomment line 1316 to 1321 in alex.h, as described in paper)
ALEX: ALEX's source code.
- Space ACA on data nodes: OR-Tools and KDE
- Space ACA on internal nodes: No dependencies
- Time ACA on ALEX: KDE
Datasets (Longitudes, Longlat, Lognormal, YCSB) used in this paper could be found in ALEX repo.