v1.0 Release
Breaking changes:
- Drop Python 3.7 support, and remove references to beta #808 (sdhiscocks)
- New minimum Python version 3.8
Implemented enhancements:
- Plotting Improvements #795 (gawebb-dstl)
- Add a Schmidt-Kalman version of the Kalman Updater #794 (jmbarr)
- Add log weight property to Particle State #791 (sdhiscocks)
- Add animated variation of plotterly #789 (mharris-dstl)
- Modify SystematicResampler to enable down/upsampling #786 (timothy-glover)
- Create regulariser object and MCMC particle regulariser #785 (timothy-glover)
- Created RadarBearing and RadarRotatingBearing Sensors #778 (timothy-glover)
- add k-d tree tutorial and update tree sub-module #771 (rcgorman-dstl)
- Add track stitching class and example. #764 (spike-dstl)
- Added an example within the documentation for custom readers supporting pandas DataFrames. #707 (BenjaminFraser)
Fixed bugs:
- Enable Forward Declaration of Type Hints for Properties #806 (orosoman-dstl)
- Fix np.mean for StateVectors #788 (sdhiscocks)
- Add is_clutter_detectable method to sensors #787 (jswright-dstl)
- Cast noise_covar value to a CovarianceMatrix when initialising a MeasurementModel #775 (gawebb-dstl)
Documentation updates:
- Fix issue with kD-tree example not building #807 (sdhiscocks)
- Change track stitching example initiator #804 (sdhiscocks)
- Add multi_tracker_example #790 (mharris-dstl)
Other changes:
- Create sampler module and gaussian mixture sampling function #793 (timothy-glover)
- Use temporary file for FITS Reader tests #777 (sdhiscocks)
- Implement multi-frame assignment algorithm #568 (joldf)