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duolabmeng6 committed Nov 3, 2023
1 parent f13e470 commit 033630b
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Showing 6 changed files with 307 additions and 30 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions GoEasyDesigner/frontend/src/app11.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,9 @@
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('app.help_info')">
<p v-if="!store.客户端模式" v-html="$t('app.helpDesc')">
<p v-if="store.客户端模式">Welcome to use GoEasyDesigner</p>

<div ref="scrollContainer" style="height: 100px;overflow-y: auto"
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('app.debug_info')">
<div ref="scrollContainer" style="height: 100px;overflow-y: auto"
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,51 +1,84 @@
<el-tree :data="store.支持库列表" @node-click="handleNodeClick"/>

style="overflow: auto; height: 500px" @node-click="handleNodeClick"/>


<script setup>
import {onBeforeUnmount, onMounted, ref, shallowRef} from 'vue'
import {useAppStore} from "@/stores/appStore";
import systemFcDoc from "@/helpDoc/systemFcDoc.json";
const systemFcDocHandle = [];
systemFcDoc.forEach(item => {
let l = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item));
const label = item.label;
const doc = item.doc;
const extractedContent = doc.split(' ')[0];
l.label = label + " " + extractedContent;
// function 提取函数(){
// import * as SystemFc from "@/../wailsjs/runtime";
// const systemFcFunctions = Object.keys(SystemFc).filter(key => key !== "default" && key !== "constructor");
// let systemFcNames = [];
// systemFcFunctions.forEach(functionName => {
// const functionModule = SystemFc[functionName];
// if (typeof functionModule === "function") {
// let helpText = `SystemFc.${functionName}`;
// let argList = [];
// const args = functionModule.toString().match(/function[^{]*\(([^)]*)\)/)[1].split(",");
// for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
// argList.push(args[i].trim());
// }
// let o ={
// label: functionName,
// help: `${helpText}(${argList.join(", ")})`,
// doc:''
// }
// systemFcNames.push(o);
// }
// });
// console.log(JSON.stringify(systemFcNames,null,2))
// }
const store = useAppStore()
const handleNodeClick = (data) => {
store.帮助信息 = data.label + "帮助信息"
if (data.doc !== undefined) {
store.帮助信息 = `
方法名:${data.label} <br>
详细帮助:${data.doc} <br>`
} else {
store.帮助信息 =
store.支持库列表 = [
label: '易函数(jsefun)核心支持库',
label: 'wails Support library (JS)',
help: 'import * as SystemFc from "@/../wailsjs/runtime";',
children: [
label: '磁盘操作',
children: [
label: '读入文件',
label: '写出文件',
label: 'SystemFc',
help: 'import * as SystemFc from "@/../wailsjs/runtime";',
children: systemFcDocHandle
label: '加解密支持库',
children: [
label: '磁盘操作',
children: [
label: '读入文件',
label: '写出文件',
label: '易函数(Goefun)中文函数支持库 (GO)',
help: '打开 学习并使用 该库可以用于app.go代码的编码 ,它提供了强大而易于使用的函数,它完整封装了易语言核心支持库的所有功能,同时提供简单易用的函数。',
onMounted(() => {
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242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions GoEasyDesigner/frontend/src/helpDoc/systemFcDoc.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
"label": "BrowserOpenURL",
"help": "SystemFc.BrowserOpenURL(url)",
"doc": "浏览器打开URL 在系统默认浏览器打开给定的 URL。"
"label": "ClipboardGetText",
"help": "SystemFc.ClipboardGetText()",
"doc": "剪贴板获取文本 从剪切板读取当前存储的文本。"
"label": "ClipboardSetText",
"help": "SystemFc.ClipboardSetText(text)",
"doc": "剪贴板设置文本 将文本写入剪切板。"
"label": "Environment",
"help": "SystemFc.Environment()",
"doc": "环境 返回当前环境的详细信息。"
"label": "EventsEmit",
"help": "SystemFc.EventsEmit(eventName)",
"doc": "触发事件 触发指定的事件。可选数据可以与事件一起传递。"
"label": "EventsOff",
"help": "SystemFc.EventsOff(eventName, ...additionalEventNames)",
"doc": "移除事件监听器 移除给定事件名称的监听器,可以移除多个。"
"label": "EventsOn",
"help": "SystemFc.EventsOn(eventName, callback)",
"doc": "添加事件监听器 为给定的事件名称设置一个监听器。"
"label": "EventsOnMultiple",
"help": "SystemFc.EventsOnMultiple(eventName, callback, maxCallbacks)",
"doc": "添加限次数事件监听器 为给定的事件名称设置一个最多只能触发指定次数的监听器。"
"label": "EventsOnce",
"help": "SystemFc.EventsOnce(eventName, callback)",
"doc": "添加一次性事件监听器 为给定的事件名称设置一个只会触发一次的监听器。"
"label": "Hide",
"help": "SystemFc.Hide()",
"doc": "隐藏 隐藏应用程序。"
"label": "LogDebug",
"help": "SystemFc.LogDebug(message)",
"doc": "Debug日志 在Debug日志级别记录给定的消息。"
"label": "LogError",
"help": "SystemFc.LogError(message)",
"doc": "Error日志 在Error日志级别记录给定的消息。"
"label": "LogFatal",
"help": "SystemFc.LogFatal(message)",
"doc": "Fatal日志 在Fatal日志级别记录给定的消息。"
"label": "LogInfo",
"help": "SystemFc.LogInfo(message)",
"doc": "Info日志 在Info日志级别记录给定的消息。"
"label": "LogPrint",
"help": "SystemFc.LogPrint(message)",
"doc": "打印日志 将给定的消息记录为原始消息。"
"label": "LogTrace",
"help": "SystemFc.LogTrace(message)",
"doc": "Trace日志 在Trace日志级别记录给定的消息。"
"label": "LogWarning",
"help": "SystemFc.LogWarning(message)",
"doc": "Warning日志 在Warning日志级别记录给定的消息。"
"label": "Quit",
"help": "SystemFc.Quit()",
"doc": "退出 退出应用程序。"
"label": "ScreenGetAll",
"help": "SystemFc.ScreenGetAll()",
"doc": "获取屏幕 返回当前连接的屏幕列表。"
"label": "Show",
"help": "SystemFc.Show()",
"doc": "显示 显示应用程序。"
"label": "WindowCenter",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowCenter()",
"doc": "窗口居中 使窗口在当前窗口所在的监视器上居中。"
"label": "WindowFullscreen",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowFullscreen()",
"doc": "窗口全屏 使窗口全屏。"
"label": "WindowGetPosition",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowGetPosition()",
"doc": "获取窗口位置 获取窗口相对于当前监视器的位置。"
"label": "WindowGetSize",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowGetSize()",
"doc": "获取窗口大小 获取窗口的宽度和高度。"
"label": "WindowHide",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowHide()",
"doc": "隐藏窗口 如果可见,则隐藏窗口。"
"label": "WindowIsFullscreen",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowIsFullscreen()",
"doc": "窗口是否全屏 如果窗口是全屏,则返回true。"
"label": "WindowIsMaximised",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowIsMaximised()",
"doc": "窗口是否最大化 如果窗口最大化,则返回true。"
"label": "WindowIsMinimised",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowIsMinimised()",
"doc": "窗口是否最小化 如果窗口最小化,则返回true。"
"label": "WindowIsNormal",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowIsNormal()",
"doc": "窗口是否正常 如果窗口未最小化、最大化或全屏,则返回true。"
"label": "WindowMaximise",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowMaximise()",
"doc": "窗口最大化 最大化窗口以填满屏幕。"
"label": "WindowMinimise",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowMinimise()",
"doc": "窗口最小化 最小化窗口。"
"label": "WindowReload",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowReload()",
"doc": "窗口重载 重新加载当前页面。"
"label": "WindowReloadApp",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowReloadApp()",
"doc": "重载应用前端 重新加载应用程序前端。"
"label": "WindowSetAlwaysOnTop",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowSetAlwaysOnTop(b)",
"doc": "设置置顶 设置窗口置顶或取消置顶。"
"label": "WindowSetBackgroundColour",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowSetBackgroundColour(R, G, B, A)",
"doc": "设置背景色 将窗口的背景颜色设置为给定的RGBA颜色。"
"label": "WindowSetDarkTheme",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowSetDarkTheme()",
"doc": "设置深色主题 将窗口主题设置为深色。"
"label": "WindowSetLightTheme",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowSetLightTheme()",
"doc": "设置浅色主题 将窗口主题设置为浅色。"
"label": "WindowSetMaxSize",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowSetMaxSize(width, height)",
"doc": "设置最大尺寸 设置窗口最大尺寸。如果当前大于设置值,则调整窗口大小。"
"label": "WindowSetMinSize",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowSetMinSize(width, height)",
"doc": "设置最小尺寸 设置窗口最小尺寸。如果当前小于设置值,则调整窗口大小。"
"label": "WindowSetPosition",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowSetPosition(x, y)",
"doc": "设置窗口位置 设置窗口相对于当前监视器的位置。"
"label": "WindowSetSize",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowSetSize(width, height)",
"doc": "设置窗口大小 设置窗口的宽度和高度。"
"label": "WindowSetSystemDefaultTheme",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowSetSystemDefaultTheme()",
"doc": "设置系统默认主题 设置窗口主题为系统默认值。"
"label": "WindowSetTitle",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowSetTitle(title)",
"doc": "设置窗口标题 设置窗口标题栏中的文本。"
"label": "WindowShow",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowShow()",
"doc": "显示窗口 显示窗口,如果它当前是隐藏的。"
"label": "WindowToggleMaximise",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowToggleMaximise()",
"doc": "切换窗口最大化 在最大化和未最大化之间切换。"
"label": "WindowUnfullscreen",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowUnfullscreen()",
"doc": "取消全屏 恢复全屏之前的窗口尺寸和位置。"
"label": "WindowUnmaximise",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowUnmaximise()",
"doc": "取消最大化 将窗口恢复到最大化之前的尺寸和位置。"
"label": "WindowUnminimise",
"help": "SystemFc.WindowUnminimise()",
"doc": "取消最小化 将窗口恢复到最小化之前的尺寸和位置。"
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions GoEasyDesigner/frontend/src/main.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Helper from "./Helper.js"
import i18n from './i18n/index.js'

import App from './app11.vue'
// import App from './components/designer/public/支持库.vue'
import {useAppStore} from '@/stores/appStore'
import RenderDesignComponent from "./components/RenderDesignComponent.vue"

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion GoEasyDesigner/frontend/src/stores/appStore.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export const useAppStore = defineStore('AppStore', {
当前代码编辑器路径: ref(""),
选择夹_中间现行选中项: ref("0"),
支持库列表: ref([]),
帮助信息: ref("GoEasyDesigner 窗口设计师 轻松跨平台开发"),
帮助信息: ref("Welcome to use GoEasyDesigner"),
keywordMappings: ref(""),
全局_事件名称列表: ref([]),
代码编写模式: ref(1),//1:网页内代码编辑器 2:代码跳转至IDE
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion go-easy-demo

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