This is an ES6 utility function for creating animated SVG path morphs written in 2016.
It was created to avoid importing the bulky GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP) library just for morphing effects. It leverages the tiny SnapSVG library (only 195 bytes) to enable smooth SVG animations with a much smaller footprint than GSAP.
To use this wrapper, follow the steps below:
- Initialize the class using new animatedSVG(options).
is an object that takes the following properties:el
: An DOM node element, you can usequerySelector
or whatever method.attrs
: Common attributes inside an SVG tag (e.g. fill, viewBox).easing
: A mina function from Snap SVG. More details can be found in the Snap SVG Documentation.steps
: An array of animations with the relative duration in milliseconds.onAnimationEnd
: A function that is triggered at the end of your animation.beforeAnimationStart
: A function that runs before the animation starts.
Check out this Demo sandbox.
Here's a simple example:
First, suppose animatedPanel is a DOM node element
<svg class="js-animated-panel" id="svgStage"></svg>
Get the DOM element reference
const animatedPanel = document.querySelector('.js-animated-panel')
Now, initialize the class that generates the SVG taking the first path inside the steps property:
new AnimatedSVG({
el: animatedPanel,
attrs: {
viewBox: '0 0 1920 382',
fill: '#00ceae',
preserveAspectRatio: 'xMinYMin slice'
steps: [
{ animation: { d: 'M0,0V4S447.77,71,959.5,71,1919,4,1919,4V0Z' }, dur: }, // initial path
{ animation: { d: 'M0,0V13S447.77,260,959.5,260,1919,13,1919,13V0Z' }, dur: 5 },
{ animation: { d: 'M0,0V343s447.77,37,959.5,37S1919,343,1919,343V0Z' }, ur: 75 },
{ animation: { d: 'M0,0V363s447.77,17,959.5,17S1919,363,1919,363V0Z' }, ur: 105 },
{ animation: { d: 'M0,0V343s447.77,37,959.5,37S1919,343,1919,343V0Z' }, ur: 45 },
{ animation: { d: 'M0,0V193s447.77,67,959.5,67S1919,193,1919,193V0Z' }, ur: 150 },
{ animation: { d: 'M0,0V313s447.77,67,959.5,67S1919,313,1919,313V0Z' }, ur: 105 },
{ animation: { d: 'M0,0V263s447.77,87,959.5,87S1919,263,1919,263V0Z' }, ur: 75 },
{ animation: { d: 'M0,0V323s447.77,27,959.5,27S1919,323,1919,323V0Z' }, ur: 75 }
This wrapper requires the SNAP SVG library. Install it using npm:
npm install snapsvg