I recommend React + Redux + fetch with WebPack and Gulp in ES6.
Simple SPA js framework based on jQuery.
It's simple and familar with jQuery users. Even you can use jQuery code in this framework.
Most front-end developers are familar with jQuery, but jQuery doesn't support architecture. Just make things possible, getting messed often. To solve this problem, some people suggest huge and new framemworks and libraries such as AngularJS, Amber, React. But learning these heavies are very tough. I suggest SPA jQuery.
- jQuery skills
- Node.js
- Terminal to run Node command
- Web browser to see what's going on
var SPA = require('spa-jquery');
var Component = SPA.Component;
Component.define('UserList', {
users : [],
render : function(){
var $self = this;
user : user
Component.define('UserListItem', {
user : null,
render : function(){
//Root component is a child of <body> generated by Component automatically
$ npm install spa-jquery
Checkout Tutorial and Documents
Demo page and the source code.
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