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数据仓库 Store

张东 edited this page Jun 4, 2024 · 1 revision


UIKit 内部 state 据全部存储在 rootStore,rootStore 数据更新会驱动各个组件更新 UI。你可以使用 rootStore 上的数据,也可以调用 UIKit 提供的方法来更新数据。

rootStore 包含以下数据模块:

  • initConfig:UIKit 初始化数据。
  • client:即时通讯 IM SDK 实例。
  • conversationStore: 会话列表相关数据。
  • messageStore: 消息相关数据。
  • addressStore:通讯录相关数据。
store 属性 描述
currentCvs 当前的会话。
conversationList 全部会话。
searchList 搜索到的会话。
message 整个 app 的消息,里面包含单聊(`singleChat`)和群聊(`groupChat`)的消息以及根据消息 ID 存储的消息(`byId`)。
selectedMessage 多选选中的消息
repliedMessage 被引用的消息
typing 是否正在输入
unreadMessageCount 当前会话中未读的消息数
appUsersInfo 所有用户的用户属性,展示头像昵称时用到
contacts 所有的联系人
groups 所有加入的群组
searchList 搜索到的联系人或群组
requests 好友请求


import { rootStore } from "easemob-chat-uikit";

调用 API 更改 state

聊天 UIKit 提供了 useChatContextuseConversationContextuseAddressContext 三个自定义 hooks 来获取改变 state 的 api。


这个自定义 hook 可以返回会话相关的 state 和管理 state 的方法。


import React from "react";
import { useConversationContext } from "easemob-chat-uikit";

const ChatAPP = () => {
  const { conversationList, setCurrentConversation } = useConversationContext();
  const setCurrentCvs = () => {
      chatType: "singleChat",
      conversationId: "userId",
  return (
      <button onClick={setCurrentCvs}>setCurrentConversation</button>

useConversationContext 属性和方法概览

currentConversationCurrentConversationCurrent Conversation.
conversationListConversation[]Collection of all conversations.
setCurrentConversation(currentCvs: CurrentConversation) => voidMethod of setting the current conversation.
deleteConversation(conversation: CurrentConversation) => voidMethod of removing a conversation from the conversation list.
topConversation (conversation: Conversation) => voidMethod of move a conversation to the top of the conversation list.
addConversation (conversation: Conversation) => voidMethod of adding a conversation to the conversation list.
modifyConversation (conversation: Conversation) => voidMethod of modifying a conversation.


这个自定义 hook 可以返回消息相关的 state 和管理 state 的方法。


import React from "react";
import { useChatContext, useSDK } from "easemob-chat-uikit";

const ChatAPP = () => {
  const { easemobChat } = useSDK(); // get Chat SDK
  const { messages, sendMessage } = useChatContext();
  const sendCustomMessage = () => {
    const customMsg = easemobChat.message.create({
      type: "custom",
      to: "targetId", // The user ID of the peer user for one-to-one chat or the current group ID for group chat.
      chatType: "singleChat",
      customEvent: "CARD",
      customExts: {
        id: "userId",

  return (
      <button onClick={sendCustomMessage}>sendMessage</button>

useChatContext 属性和方法概览

messagesMessageAll message data in UIKit.
repliedMessageeasemobChat.MessagesTypeMessage being replied to.
typingTypingA object of users in the typing state.
sendMessage(message: easemobChat.MessageBody) => Promise<void>Method of sending messages.
deleteMessagedeleteMessage: (cvs: CurrentConversation, messageId: string | string[]) => void | Promise<void>Method of deleting messages.
recallMessage(cvs: CurrentConversation, messageId: string, isChatThread?: boolean) => Promise<void>Method of recalling a message.
translateMessage(cvs: CurrentConversation, messageId: string, language: string) => Promise<boolean>Method of translating a text message.
modifyMessage(messageId: string, msg: easemobChat.TextMsgBody) => Promise<void>Method of Modifying a message on the server, and the other party will display the modified message, which is only valid for text messages.
modifyLocalMessage(id: string, message: easemobChat.MessageBody | RecallMessage) => voidMethod of modifying messages locally is valid for any type of message.
updateMessageStatus(msgId: string, status: 'received' | 'read' | 'unread' | 'sent' | 'failed' | 'sending' | 'default') => voidMethod of updating message status.
sendTypingCommand (cvs: CurrentConversation) => voidMethod of sending the command being typing.
setRepliedMessage(message: easemobChat.MessageBody | null) => voidMethod of setting replied message.
clearMessages(cvs: CurrentConversation) => voidMethod of clearing conversation local messages.


这个自定义 hook 返回联系人群组相关的 state 和管理 state 的方法。


import React from "react";
import { useAddressContext } from "easemob-chat-uikit";

const ChatAPP = () => {
  const { appUsersInfo } = useAddressContext();
  return <div>ChatAPP</div>;

useAddressContext 属性和方法概览

appUsersInfoRecord<string, AppUserInfo>Information for all users.
groupsGroupItem[]All groups.
setAppUserInfo(appUsersInfo: Record<string, AppUserInfo>) => voidMethod of setting user information.
setGroups (groups: GroupItem[]) => voidMethod of setting group data.
setGroupMemberAttributes(groupId: string, userId: string, attributes: easemobChat.MemberAttributes) => voidMethod of setting group member attributes.