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parameters 0.21.4

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@strengejacke strengejacke released this 05 Feb 19:47
· 172 commits to main since this release

Breaking changes

  • The exponentiate argument of model_parameters() for
    marginaleffects::predictions() now defaults to FALSE, in line with all
    the other model_parameters() methods.


  • model_parameters() for models of package survey now gives informative
    messages when bootstrap = TRUE (which is currently not supported).

  • n_factors() now also returns the explained variance for the number of
    factors as attributes.

  • model_parameters() for objects of package metafor now warns when unsupported
    arguments (like vcov) are used.

  • Improved documentation for pool_parameters().

Bug fixes

  • print(include_reference = TRUE) for model_parameters() did not work when
    run inside a pipe-chain.

  • Fixed issues with format() for objects returned by compare_parameters()
    that included mixed models.