It is a tool for the QA team and developers who needed identifications used in Brazil as CPF, CNPJ and IE to test.
- Generate CPF with or without format
- Generate CPNJ with branchs and with or without format
- Generate IE with or without format
- Copy all idenfications generated to clipboard
Option 1: with GNOME Builder
- Open GNOME Builder
- Click the Clone Repository button
- Enter [email protected]:edenalencar/identifications.git in the field Repository URL
- Click the Clone Project button
- Click the Run button to start building application
Option 2: with Meson You'll need the following dependencies:
- gio-2.0
- gtk+-3.0
- gee-0.8
- gettext
- glib2
- gtk3
- meson
- vala
- ninja
- git
Clone the repository and change to the project directory
git clone [email protected]:edenalencar/identifications.git
cd identifications
Run meson build to configure the build environment. Change to the build directory and run ninja to build
meson build --prefix=/usr
cd build
meson compile
If you would like to help me in this and future projects, please choose one of the options below to donate!