Unified Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph
- Docker Desktop - https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/
- First, pull the repository into your file system
$ git clone https://github.com/edogdu/UCKG.git .
- Next, switch to root directory of project
$ cd UCKG
- Lastly, run docker-compose to start project
$ docker-compose up --build
- To shutdown the UCKG, follow these steps
- type Ctrl+C to stop server
- use docker-compose to clean up images
$ docker-compose down
- A copy of our paper outlining the project is available in the root directory as uckg_paper.pdf
- A web-based visualization of the Unified Cybersecurity Ontology can be accessed at this url: https://service.tib.eu/webvowl/#iri=http://purl.org/cyber/uco
- Docker has a tendency to have hanging resources that can take up alot of diskspace, I found the following commands useful
- In Docker Desktop Application, ensure no containers are running
- In Command Line or Bash run Docker prune commands
$ docker image prune -f
$ docker builder prune
- In Docker Desktop Application, navigate to Troubleshoot section (bug button) and select Clean/Purge data
- If diskspace utilization is not changing after running these steps, try restarting your computer
This project is licensed under the MIT License.