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Merge pull request xapi-project#5910 from edwintorok/private/edvint/e…
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tests for and introduce select-as-epoll
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edwintorok authored Aug 27, 2024
2 parents 6b2d4c7 + 9208739 commit 61ca8fb
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Showing 17 changed files with 553 additions and 57 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocaml/libs/xapi-stdext/lib/xapi-fd-test/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
; This will be used to test stdext itself, so do not depend on stdext here
(name xapi_fd_test)
(libraries (re_export xapi-stdext-unix.fdcaps) unix qcheck-core logs fmt (re_export mtime) mtime.clock.os rresult threads.posix)
(libraries clock (re_export xapi-stdext-unix.fdcaps) unix qcheck-core logs fmt (re_export mtime) mtime.clock.os rresult threads.posix)

; off by default, enable with --instrument-with bisect_ppx
(instrumentation (backend bisect_ppx))
Expand Down
98 changes: 96 additions & 2 deletions ocaml/libs/xapi-stdext/lib/xapi-fd-test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,11 +28,51 @@ let make ~size ~delay_read ~delay_write kind =

open QCheck2

let all_file_kinds = Unix.[S_BLK; S_CHR; S_DIR; S_FIFO; S_LNK; S_REG; S_SOCK]

let file_kind =
( Gen.oneofa Unix.[|S_BLK; S_CHR; S_DIR; S_FIFO; S_LNK; S_REG; S_SOCK|]
(* [Gen.oneofa] should be more efficient than [Gen.oneofl] *)
( all_file_kinds |> Array.of_list |> Gen.oneofa
, Print.contramap (Fmt.to_to_string Safefd.pp_kind) Print.string

let is_testable_kind = function
| Unix.(S_DIR | S_LNK) ->
(* unless you write a custom C binding, you cannot open these in OCaml *)
| Unix.S_BLK ->
Unix.geteuid () = 0
| Unix.(S_CHR | S_FIFO | S_REG | S_SOCK) ->
(* We cannot create new [S_CHR], but there are preexisting [S_CHR],
like [/dev/null]. *)

let testable_file_kind =
( all_file_kinds |> List.filter is_testable_kind |> Array.of_list |> Gen.oneofa
, snd file_kind

let file_list gen =
let open Gen in
(* make sure we generate the empty list with ~50% probability,
and that we generate smaller lists more frequently
let* size_bound = frequencya [|(4, 0); (4, 2); (2, 10); (1, 100)|] in
let size_gen = int_bound size_bound in
let repeated_list =
let* size = size_gen in
list_repeat size gen
(* generates 2 kinds of lists:
- lists that contain only a single file kind
- lists that contain multiple file kinds
This is important for testing [select], because a single
[Unix.S_REG] would cause it to return immediately,
making it unlikely that we're actually testing the behaviour for other file descriptors.
oneof [repeated_list; list_size size_gen gen]

(* also coincidentally the pipe buffer size on Linux *)
let ocaml_unix_buffer_size = 65536

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,8 +112,12 @@ let delay_of_size total_delay size =
let t =
let open Gen in
(* order matters here for shrinking: shrink timeout first so that shrinking completes sooner! *)
let* total_delay = total_delays and* size = sizes and* kind = fst file_kind in
let* total_delay = total_delays
and* size = sizes
and* kind = fst testable_file_kind in
let size = if kind = Unix.S_BLK then 512 else size in
let* delay = delay_of_size total_delay size in
(* see, we can't easily change size afterwards *)
return @@ make ~delay_read:delay ~delay_write:delay ~size kind

let print t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,3 +184,53 @@ let run_rw t data ~f =
observe_rw read write ~f t.kind ~size:t.size data

let has_immediate_timeout = function
| Unix.S_FIFO | Unix.S_SOCK ->
| _ ->

let select_fd_spec =
let open Gen in
let+ kind = fst testable_file_kind and+ wait = timeouts in
{kind; wait= (if has_immediate_timeout kind then 0. else wait)}

let select_fd_spec_list = file_list select_fd_spec

let is_rw_kind (t : select_fd_spec) =
match t.kind with Unix.S_SOCK | Unix.S_REG -> true | _ -> false

let select_input_gen =
let open Gen in
let+ ro = select_fd_spec_list
and+ wo = select_fd_spec_list
and+ rw = select_fd_spec_list
and+ re = select_fd_spec_list
and+ we = select_fd_spec_list
and+ errors = select_fd_spec_list
and+ timeout = timeouts in
; wo
; rw= List.filter is_rw_kind rw
; re
; we
; errors= List.filter is_rw_kind errors
; timeout

let print_fd_spec =
let open Observations in
Print.contramap (fun t -> (t.kind, t.wait))
@@ Print.tup2 (snd file_kind) Print.float

let print_fd_spec_list = Print.list print_fd_spec

let select_input_print =
let to_tup t = (, t.wo,,, t.we, t.errors, t.timeout) in
Print.contramap to_tup
@@ Print.tup7 print_fd_spec_list print_fd_spec_list print_fd_spec_list
print_fd_spec_list print_fd_spec_list print_fd_spec_list Print.float

let select_input = (select_input_gen, select_input_print)
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions ocaml/libs/xapi-stdext/lib/xapi-fd-test/generate.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,3 +85,23 @@ val run_rw :
@returns observations about [f]'s actions the file descriptor

val file_kind : Unix.file_kind QCheck2.Gen.t * Unix.file_kind QCheck2.Print.t
(** [file_kind] is a {!type:Unix.file_kind} generator and pretty printer.
It generates all file kinds, even ones that normally cannot be opened in OCaml,
like {!val:Unix.S_DIR}, or that require special privileges, like {!val:Unix.S_BLK}
See also {!val:testable_file_kind}.

val testable_file_kind :
Unix.file_kind QCheck2.Gen.t * Unix.file_kind QCheck2.Print.t
(** [testable_file_kind] is like {!val:file_kind}, but only generates file kinds
that the current program can create. *)

val select_input :
Observations.select_input QCheck2.Gen.t
* Observations.select_input QCheck2.Print.t
(** [select_input] generates input for [select/(e)poll].
See {!val:Observations.with_select_input} on how to use it to get actual file descriptors.
160 changes: 154 additions & 6 deletions ocaml/libs/xapi-stdext/lib/xapi-fd-test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ let open_ro name = openfile_ro `reg name []

let open_wo name = openfile_wo `reg name []

let open_rw name = openfile_rw `reg name []

let with_kind_ro kind f =
let with2 t =
let@ fd1, fd2 = with_fd2 t in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,9 +60,7 @@ let with_kind_wo kind f =
| Unix.S_LNK ->
invalid_arg "S_LNK" (* O_NOFOLLOW not bound in OCaml *)
| Unix.S_BLK ->
let@ name, out = with_tempfile () in
(* block device must have an initial size *)
ftruncate out 512L ;
let@ name, _out = with_tempfile ~size:512L () in
let@ blkname, _ = with_temp_blk name in
let@ fd_ro = with_fd @@ open_ro blkname in
let@ fd = with_fd @@ open_wo blkname in
Expand All @@ -74,9 +74,13 @@ let with_kind_rw kind f =
| Unix.S_SOCK ->
let@ fd1, fd2 = with_fd2 @@ socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
f fd1 fd2
| Unix.S_FIFO | Unix.S_DIR | Unix.S_LNK | Unix.S_BLK | Unix.S_REG | Unix.S_CHR
invalid_arg "not a socket"
| Unix.S_REG ->
let@ name, _out = with_tempfile () in
let@ fd = with_fd @@ open_rw name in
let@ fd' = with_fd @@ open_rw name in
f fd fd'
| Unix.S_FIFO | Unix.S_DIR | Unix.S_LNK | Unix.S_BLK | Unix.S_CHR ->
invalid_arg "with_kind_rw: not a socket or reg"

let observe_read observed op t dest off len =
let amount = op t dest off len in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,3 +313,147 @@ let observe_rw read write ~f ~size kind expected =
|> @@ fun write -> {write with data= Buffer.contents written}
({read; write; elapsed}, res)

let rec with_kind_list create aux f = function
| [] ->
f (List.rev aux)
| kind :: tl ->
create kind @@ fun fd1 fd2 ->
with_kind_list create ((fd1, fd2) :: aux) f tl

let with_kind_list g lst f = with_kind_list g [] f lst

let with_kinds_ro lst = with_kind_list with_kind_ro lst

let with_kinds_wo lst = with_kind_list with_kind_wo lst

(* compatible with [with_kind_ro] and [with_kind_wo] *)
let with_kind_rw' kind f = with_kind_rw kind @@ fun fd1 fd2 -> f fd1 (Some fd2)

let with_kinds_rw lst = with_kind_list with_kind_rw' lst

type fd_set = Unix.file_descr list

type select_fd_spec = {kind: Unix.file_kind; wait: float}

type select_input = {
ro: select_fd_spec list
; wo: select_fd_spec list
; rw: select_fd_spec list
; re: select_fd_spec list
; we: select_fd_spec list
; errors: select_fd_spec list
; timeout: float

let split_combine gen lst f =
let fds, waits =
lst |> (fun {kind; wait} -> (kind, wait)) |> List.split
gen fds @@ fun fds ->
let fds1, fds2 = List.split fds in
f (fds1, List.combine fds2 waits)

let ( let@ ) f x = f x

type 'a fd_safe_set = ('a, kind) make list

let with_fd_inputs f (ro : rdonly fd_safe_set) (wo : wronly fd_safe_set)
(rw : rdwr fd_safe_set) (re : rdonly fd_safe_set) (we : wronly fd_safe_set)
(errs : rdwr fd_safe_set) timeout =
let ro = For_test.unsafe_fd_exn ro
and wo = For_test.unsafe_fd_exn wo
and re = For_test.unsafe_fd_exn re
and we = For_test.unsafe_fd_exn we
and rw = For_test.unsafe_fd_exn rw
and errs = For_test.unsafe_fd_exn errs in
let call timeout = f (ro @ rw @ re) (wo @ rw @ we) (errs @ re @ we) timeout in
let r1 = call timeout in
let r2 = call 0. in
(r1, r2)

let simulate f lst lst' =
List.combine lst lst'
|> @@ fun (wrapped, (wrapped', wait)) ->
(wait, For_test.unsafe_fd_exn wrapped, f wrapped wrapped')

let large = String.make 1_000_000 'x'

let buf = Bytes.make (String.length large) 'x'

let simulate_ro _ro ro' () =
|> Option.iter @@ fun ro' ->
as_spipe_opt ro' |> Option.iter set_nonblock ;
let (_ : int) = Operations.single_write_substring ro' "." 0 1 in

let simulate_wo wo wo' =
let handle_pipe fd =
set_nonblock fd ;
(* fill buffers, to make write unavailable initially, but not on regular files/block devices,
to avoid ENOSPC errors
let (_ : int) =
Operations.repeat_write Operations.single_write_substring fd large 0
(String.length large)
as_spipe_opt wo |> Option.iter handle_pipe ;
fun () ->
|> Option.iter @@ fun wo' ->
as_spipe_opt wo' |> Option.iter set_nonblock ;
let (_ : int) = wo' buf 0 (Bytes.length buf) in

let simulate_rw rw rw' =
let f = simulate_ro rw rw' and g = simulate_wo rw rw' in
fun () -> f () ; g ()

let compare_wait (t1, _, _) (t2, _, _) = t1 t2

let run_simulation (stop, actions) =
(* TODO: measure when we actually sent, also have an atomic to when to stop exactly *)
(fun (prev, fds) (curr, fd, action) ->
let delta = curr -. prev in
assert (delta >= 0.) ;
if not (Atomic.get stop) then
if delta > 0. then
Unix.sleepf delta ;
(* check again, might've been set meanwhile *)
( curr
, if (not (Atomic.get stop)) || curr < Float.epsilon then (
action () ; fd :: fds
) else
(0., []) actions
|> snd

let with_select_input t f =
let@ re, re' = split_combine with_kinds_ro in
let@ we, we' = split_combine with_kinds_wo t.we in
let@ rw, rw' = split_combine with_kinds_rw in
let@ ro, ro' = split_combine with_kinds_ro in
let@ wo, wo' = split_combine with_kinds_wo t.wo in
let@ errs, errs' = split_combine with_kinds_rw t.errors in
let actions =
simulate simulate_ro (ro @ re) (ro' @ re')
; simulate simulate_wo (wo @ we) (wo' @ we')
; simulate simulate_rw rw rw' (* TODO: how to simulate errors *)
; simulate simulate_rw errs errs'
|> List.fast_sort compare_wait
let stop = Atomic.make false in
let finally () = Atomic.set stop true in
let run () = with_fd_inputs f ro wo rw re we errs t.timeout in
let run () = Fun.protect ~finally run in
let r1, r2 = concurrently (run, run_simulation) ((), (stop, actions)) in
(unwrap_exn r1, unwrap_exn r2)

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