Updated to stable branch Intel IPP TBB 24 march 2021
Delphi 64 bit compiler MM, RTL, WEB patches for performance
Object Pascal wrappers from Intel Integrated Performance Primitives and Intel Threading Building Blocks royalty-free packages
Copyright 24 March 2021 Roberto Della Pasqua
This folder contains:
D64TBB.dll lock-free scalable allocator
D64IPP.dll simd enabled rtl subset routines
D64ZIP.dll accelerated zlib deflate compression
D64TBB64.pas wrapper for memory manager (put this unit as first unit clause in project source)
D64IPP.pas wrapper for simd rtl
D64ZLIB.pas wrapper for zlib compression
D64WB.pas utils to enhance webbroker
License.txt for legal terms
If you want to enable zlib speed up into your WebBroker apps, add one line of code in AfterDispatch event:
procedure TWebModule.WebModuleAfterDispatch(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
The library is well tested, but if you found any trouble please notify me
In a modern CPU base, a well written multithreaded app can obtain a boost until 10x
Thank you and best regards
Roberto Della Pasqua